J-GLOBAL ID:200901060619769660
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Kotani Yoshihisa
コタニ ヨシヒサ | Kotani Yoshihisa
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Affiliation and department:
Hokkaido University Hokkaido University Hospital, Surgerry
About Hokkaido University Hokkaido University Hospital, Surgerry
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research field (3):
, Biomaterials
, Biomedical engineering
Research keywords (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2007 - 2018 組織再生技術によるハイブリッド再生椎間板の開発・応用
2004 - 最小侵襲脊椎手術法の開発・応用
2001 - 脊柱変形および脊椎脊髄腫瘍に対する高度脊柱再建法の開発・応用
2001 - 脊椎脊髄疾患におけるコンピューター支援手術の応用
1999 - 人工椎間板の開発と脊椎疾患への応用
1998 - 生体内吸収性脊椎再建材料の開発・応用
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MISC (103):
Yoshihiro Hojo, Manabu Ito, Kuniyoshi Abumi, Yoshihisa Kotani, Hideki Sudo, Masahiko Takahata, Akio Minami. A late neurological complication following posterior correction surgery of severe cervical kyphosis. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL. 2011. 20. 6. 890-898
Yoshihisa Kotani, Kuniyoshi Abumi, Manabu Ito, Satoshi Terae, Yukiyoshi Hisada, Akio Minami. Neurological recovery after surgical treatment of giant cervical pseudomeningoceles extending to lumbar spine associated with previous brachial plexus injury. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL. 2010. 19. S206-S210
Hideki Sudo, Manabu Ito, Kuniyoshi Abumi, Yoshihisa Kotani, Masahiko Takahata, Yoshihiro Hojo, Akio Minami. One-stage posterior instrumentation surgery for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral collapse with neurological deficits. EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL. 2010. 19. 6. 907-915
Manabu Ito, Kuniyoshi Abumi, Yoshihisa Kotani, Masahiko Takahata, Hideki Sudo, Yoshihiro Hojo, Akio Minami. Simultaneous double-rod rotation technique in posterior instrumentation surgery for correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis Technical note. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE. 2010. 12. 3. 293-300
Yasuo Shikinami, Yasuhiro Kawabe, Kazuhiro Yasukawa, Kaoru Tsuta, Yoshihisa Kotani, Kuniyoshi Abumi. A biomimetic artificial intervertebral disc system composed of a cubic three-dimensional fabric. SPINE JOURNAL. 2010. 10. 2. 141-152
Books (2):
Subaxial injuries : Pillar (Pedicle and lateral mass) fractures
Cervical Spine Truma 2009
三輪書店 2008
Works (9):
2008 - 2011
2008 - 2011
2009 - 2010
2005 - 2007
2002 - 2004
Education (2):
- 1995 Hokkaido University
- 1995 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
Professional career (2):
Thesis (March, 1995) (Hokkaido University)
医学博士 (北海道大学)
Work history (3):
2003 - 2005 Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
1992 - 1994 ジョンスホプキンス大学医学部ユニオンメモリアル病院生体力学研究室 研究員
1992 - 1994 Researcher,Johns Hopkins University, Union Memorial Hospital, Biomechanics Laboratory
Committee career (1):
2007 - 日本脊椎脊髄病学会 評議員
Awards (1):
2009 - 日本腰痛学会優秀論文賞
Association Membership(s) (7):
, 米国脊椎学会(North American Spine Society)
, 米国整形外科基礎学会(Orthopaedic Research Society)
, 日本臨床バイオメカニクス学会
, 日本脊椎脊髄病学会
, 日本整形外科学会
, 日本整形外科学会学術プロジェクト委員会
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