J-GLOBAL ID:200901061037080508
Update date: Jul. 01, 2022
Watarai Yoshihiko
ワタライ ヨシヒコ | Watarai Yoshihiko
Affiliation and department:
Former Institution / Organization Hokkaido University Hokkaido University Hospital
About Former Institution / Organization Hokkaido University Hokkaido University Hospital
Search "Former Institution / Organization Hokkaido University Hokkaido University Hospital"
Job title:
Research field (2):
, Immunology
Research keywords (2):
, Transplant Immunology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2001 - 腎動脈瘤の自然経過における研究
2001 - Natural clinical behavior of renal artery aneurysm
2000 - 腎移植後 慢性移植腎症におけるレニン-アンジオテンシン系の役割
2000 - Role of Renin-Anyioteusin system in chronic allograff nephropathy
1999 - 移植腎内ケモカインの発現と拒絶反応との関係
1999 - Chemokine expression in renal allograft and its role during rejection.
1997 - 腎血管解剖の評価におけるCT,MRI血管造影
1997 - 腎移植後における一酸化窒素の役割
1997 - A role of CT,MRI and Angiography in renal vascular evaluation
1997 - A role of nitric oxide after kidney transplantation
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MISC (33):
低体重児におけるSMAP法腹膜透析導入. 日本小児腎不全学会雑誌. 2005. 25; 117-119
小児腎移植におけるステロイド・オフ. 日本小児腎不全学会雑誌. 2005. 25; 43-45
Limited sampling strategy for therapeutic drug monitoring of mycophenolic acid under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression after renal transplantation. American Journal of Transplantation. 2005. 4(Suppl.11):186
Y Watarai, K Morita, N Shimoda, M Miura, M Yoshioka, H Togashi, K Nonomura, T Koyanagi. Effect of tacrolimus and cyclosporine on renal microcirculation and nitric oxide production. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS. 2004. 36. 7. 2130-2132
TM Chan, J Chapman, CJ Lee, Z Morad, ET Ona, K Park, A Pingle, SAH Rizvi, FAM Shaheen, Sumethkul, V, et al. A survey on the prevalence and management of hepatitis B after renal transplantation in Asian-Pacific countries. TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS. 2004. 36. 7. 2126-2127
Works (2):
2005 -
2005 -
Education (2):
- 1987 Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine
- 1987 Sapporo Medical University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (2):
Doctor(Medical) (Hokkaido University)
Work history (9):
2004 - - 北海道大学病院 講師
2004 - - Lecturer Department of Urology Hokkaido University Hospital
2003 - - 北海道大学医学部 講師
2003 - - Assistant Professor Hokkaido University Greduate
1999 - - 北海道大学病院 泌尿器科助手
1999 - - Instructor Hokkaido University Hospital
1995 - 1997 クリーブランドクリニックリサーチ・フェロー
1995 - 1997 The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Research fellow
SChool of Medicine
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Committee career (3):
2003 - 日本移植学会 評議員
日本臨床腎移植学会 幹事
日本泌尿器科学会 査読委員
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 国際小児移植学会
, 日本臨床腎移植学会
, 日本透析医学会
, 日本移植学会
, 日本泌尿器科学会
, American Society of Transplantation
, International Pedietric Transplant Association
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in
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