Expression of homing ligands within the mouse nasal associated lymphoid tissue and its draining lymph nodes
Lectures and oral presentations (11):
Distribution of subcutaneously injected lymph-borne fluorescent dextran in the mouse draining lymph node.
(The 114th Annual meeting of the Japanese association of anatomists 2009)
Distribution of subcutaneously injected fluorescent dextran in the mouse draining lymph node.
(The 32nd Annual meeting of the Japanese society of lymphology 2008)
Lymph node reticulum and lymph pathway.
(The 113th Annual meeting of the Japanese association of anatomists 2008)
Homing ligand expression profile in the mouse bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT).
(The 112th Annual meeting of the Japanese association of anatomists 2007)
Homing ligand expression profile in the mouse tracheobronchial lymph node.
(The 111th Annual meeting of the Japanese association of anatomists 2006)