Entrepreneurship Education in the 'Period for Integrated Study'in Elementary and Lower Secondary Schools in Japan. Citizenship, Social and Economics Educatiion. 2002. Vol.5:1
2001 - 2003 International Association for Citizenship, Social and Economics Education corresponding member in Japan, editorial bord member
2000 - 2001 International Association for Children's Social and Economic Education editorial board member. referee
Awards (1):
1987 - 日本消費者教育学会賞(研究奨励賞)
Association Membership(s) (8):
, International Association for Children's Social and Economic Education editorial board member.
, 全国社会科教育学会
, 日本公民教育学会
, 日本消費者教育学会
, 日本社会科教育学会
, Social and Economics Education
, International Association for Citizenship