J-GLOBAL ID:200901061614628224
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Yazu Yusuke
ヤズ ユウスケ | Yazu Yusuke
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Control and systems engineering
, Information networks
, Computer systems
Research keywords (4):
, 人間工学
, Human computer interaction
, Ergonomics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 1995 - VDT作業の人間工学上の要件に関する国際標準化の研究
- 1992 - ソフトウェアの利用性に関する研究
- Study on standardization of ergonomic requirements for VDT Works
- Study on usability of computer systems
MISC (3):
VDTの人間工学. 1996. 1. 3. 67-73
Ergonomics of VDT Work. Human With Technology. 1996. 1. 3. 67-73
VDT人間工学の国際標準化動向-ソフトウェアエルゴノミクス-. 労働の科学. 1995. 50. 10. 38-39
Books (4):
コロナ社 2000
Information mathematics
CORONA Publishing Co. Ltd 2000
JIS Z 8520 対話の原則 原案
日本規格協会 1995
Some proposals on Management Information and the continued existence ofmodern civilization
Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering 1995
Education (4):
- - 1969 Keio University
- - 1969 Keio University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1964 Keio University
- - 1964 Keio University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 1970 - 1997 Aoyama Gakuin University College of Science and Engineering
- 1970 - 1997 Aoyama Gakuin University Assistant Professor
- 1966 - 1970 Aoyama Gakuin University College of Science and Engineering
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本行動計量学会
, 計測自動制御学会
, 情報処理学会
, 日本経営工学会
, 日本人間工学会
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