J-GLOBAL ID:200901062163704777
Update date: Apr. 24, 2020
Haga Masaru
ハガ マサル | Haga Masaru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Biodiversity and systematics
Research keywords (2):
, Plant taxonomy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 北海道産淡水藻類の分類と生態
- 淡水産緑藻類の生活史
- Taxonomy and ecology of freshwater algae in Hokkaido
- Life-cycle studies of freshwater Chlorophyceae
MISC (13):
Effects of Selective with Drawal Management on the Physicochemical and Biological Water Envionment of a Reservoir in Sub-Frigid Zone in Japan, A 12 Years Obserbation. IWA 2nd World Woter Congress Preprints (IWA, London). 2001. B0041. 1-8(CD-ROM)
Effects of selective withdrawal Management on the physicochemical and biological water envionment of a reservoir in sub-frigid zone in Japan, a 12 years obserbation. IWA 2nd World Water Congress Preprints (IWA, London). 2001. B0041. 1-8(CD-ROM)
T Ioriya, S Inoue, M Haga, N Yogo. Change of chemical and biological water environment at a newly constructed reservoir. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 1998. 37. 2. 187-194
Effect of selective intake management on the environment of a reservoir. IAWQ-IWSA Joint Specialist Conference Proceedings(P. Dolejs and N. Kalouskova ed. )W&ET Team, Czech Republic. 1997. 2. 25-32
A freshwater red alga, Bangia atropurpurea(ROTH)AG. from Kawai, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan. Cryptogams of the Himalayas(M. Watanabe and H. Hagiwara ed.)National Science Museum, Tsukuba. 1995. 3. 29-35
Books (1):
┣DBHydrurus foetidus(/)-┫DB(Villars)Trevisan(ミズオ)
藻類の生活史集成 第3巻(堀輝三編)内田老鶴圃 1993
Works (4):
1991 -
Studies on cryptogams in the western Himalaya.
1991 -
1988 -
Studies on cryptogams in the Himalayas and adjacent areas.
1988 -
Education (4):
- - 1970 Hokkaido University
- - 1970 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1963 Hokkaido University School of Science
- - 1963 Hokkaido University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Hokkaido University)
Awards (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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