Research field (3):
, Gender studies
, Local studies
Research keywords (5):
Immigrants’ and refugees' human rights
, Migration and Gender
, Mexican-American Bilateral Relationship
, Mexican and Central American Immigrants to USA
, Latin American History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
2016 - 2020 The changing process of interantional labor division with perspective of gender and ethinicity in the Latinamerican labor migration of Latinamerica
2003 - 2005 Historical Investigation and Perspectives toward the future on the Viability of a Multicultural Society for Indigenous Peoples in Mexico.
Las relaciones interculturales y la formaci(]J1149[)n de la naci(]J1149[)n desde el punto de vista de la historia de la evangelizaci(]J1149[)n cat(]J1149[)lica
Estudios sobrel Mestizaje en Am(]E85EE[)rica Latina
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Papers (13):
Yukari Hojo. An Examination of Differences in Racial Relations and Structures of Oppression among Minorities in Mexico and the USA: From Colonization to the Present. Historical Journal (REKISHI HYORON). 2022. 896. 5-17
北條ゆかり. メキシコの68年. 環-歴史・環境・文明-. 2008. 33
北條 ゆかり. 記憶の歴史化-真実を通じての和解を求めて-. 彦根論叢. 2007. 369
HOJO Yukari. Latin America(Americas,Historical Studies in Japan, 2006). SHIGAKU ZASSHI. 2007. 116. 5. 1001-1004