2003 - 2004 Radiative Neutrino Mass Hypothesis and Quark and Lepton Unification Model
2002 - 2004 ニュートリノ振動現象とそれを説明する模型とその帰結
2002 - 2003 ニュートリノ振動におけるレプトン数の破れとそれの将来の実験に対する示唆
2002 - 2003 ニュートリノ振動におけるレプトン数の破れとそれの模型への示唆
2000 - 2001 ニュートリノ振動におけるCPの破れとバリオン数生成に関する研究
2000 - 2001 ニュートリノ振動におけるCPの破れとLeptogenesisに関する研究
Dark Matter
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Papers (72):
Kento Asai, Tomoya Asano, Joe Sato, Masaki J, S. Yang. Contribution of Majoron to Hubble tension in gauged U(1)$_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ Model. 2023
Joe Sato, Kohei Sugawara, Yuichi Uesaka, Masato Yamanaka. Determination of coupling patterns by parallel searches for μ- → e+ and μ- → e- in muonic atoms. Physics Letters B. 2023. 836
Kento Asai, Yuhei Sakai, Joe Sato, Yasutaka Takanishi, Masato Yamanaka. Asymmetric mediator in scotogenic model. Physics Letters B. 2023. 836. 137627-137627
Sato Joe. Aiming for unification of L-mu - L-tau and the standard model gauge group. JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS. 2022. 7
Araki Takeshi, Asai Kento, Honda Kei, Kasuya Ryuta, Sato Joe, Shimomura Takashi, Yang Masaki J. S. Resolving the Hubble tension in a U(1)(L mu-L tau) model with the Majoron. PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS. 2021. 2021. 10
Yuichi Uesaka, Yoshitaka Kuno, Joe Sato, Toru Sato, Masato Yamanaka. Improved analyses for $μ^-e^-\rightarrow e^-e^-$ in muonic atoms by contact interactions. Phys. Rev. D 93, 076006 (2016). 2016
Kazunori Kohri, Masafumi Koike, Yasufumi Konishi, Shingo Ohta, Joe Sato, Takashi Shimomura, Kenichi Sugai, Masato Yamanaka. Big-bang nucleosynthesis through bound-state effects with a long-lived slepton in the NMSSM. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2014. 90. 3
Yasufumi Konishi, Shingo Ohta, Joe Sato, Takashi Shimomura, Kenichi Sugai, Masato Yamanaka. A first evidence of the CMSSM is appearing soon. 2013
Kohri Kazunori, Koike Masafumi, Konishi Yasufumi, Ohta Shingo, Sato Joe, Shimomura Takashi, Sugai Kenichi, Yamanaka Masato. 26pRA-7 Big-bang nucleosynthesis with a long-lived slepton and a 125GeV Higgs boson in the NMSSM. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2013. 68. 1. 3-3
26pBA-3 Theoretical aspects of neutrino physics
(Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 2012)
20aEA-11 Research on information propagation analysing odds in horse racing 2
(Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 2010)
25pQK-8 Research on information propagation using analysis of odds movement in horse racing
(Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 2009)
11aSJ-2 The Universal Extra Dimensional Model with S^2/Z_2 extra-space
(Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 2009)
11aSJ-13 Higgs production via gluon fusion in 6D UED model compactified on a spherically orbifold
(Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 2009)