J-GLOBAL ID:200901062366264730
Update date: Sep. 03, 2024
Shinkoh Nambu
ナンブ シンコウ | Shinkoh Nambu
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Food sciences
, Space and planetary science
, Basic physical chemistry
Research keywords (11):
, トンネリング
, 量子現象
, 半古典動力学
, 光異性化反応
, 量子波束動力学
, タンパク質シミュレーション
, 非断熱遷移
, 水素結合
, 同位体分別係数
, SO2
Research theme for competitive and other funds (33):
- 2021 - 2024 肝細胞造影能を持つ新規X線造影剤の特性検討
- 2018 - 2023 New development for studying cold ion chemistry in interstellar molecular coulds
- 2017 - 2022 アイソトポログによる地球表層環境診断
- 2018 - 2021 Creation and photochemical conversion of artificial leafs
- 2018 - 2021 Chemiluminescence reaction dynamics on immunoassays and innovative optimization for luminescence efficiency
- 2018 - 2019 Liイオン電池への応用を指向した高イオン伝導性プラスチッククリスタルの創製
- 2014 - 2018 ナノ空間包接場を用いる超分子計測・分離システムの開発
- 2016 - 2017 The new development for the analysis of ligand-bound receptor, standing on theoretical physics and experimental biology
- 2011 - 2015 アイソトポマーの計測・解析技術開発による物質循環解析
- 2010 - 2014 Elucidation of Evidence-based Physiological Functions of Small Peptides
- 2011 - 2013 蛍光及び超音波を用いるDNAの可視化と切断
- 2012 - 2012 生体分子の構造と光応答の相関に対する非断熱遷移動力学法によるアプローチ
- 2007 - 2011 分子高次系機能解明のための分子科学 -先端計測法の開拓による素過程的理解
- 2007 - 2011 Proton and charge transfer dynamics in molecular clusters. Investigation of origin of differences between the gas phase and the condensed phase
- 2006 - 2011 次世代ナノ統合シミュレーションソフトウェアの研究開発
- 2008 - 2010 Non-adiabatic reaction dynamics simulation of biomolecules responding to photons
- 2008 - 2010 Specific structures and photoisomerization dynamics under strong intermolecular interactions
- 2007 - 2009 非断熱現象を利用した物質の機能発現と反応制御
- 2007 - 2008 硫黄原子を含む分子の光分解と同位体効果
- 2005 - 2007 Development of Wide-Area Distributed Coupled Simulation Techniques Utilizing Remote Computing Resources Simultaneously
- 2004 - 2007 Development of generation of large-male potential energy surfaces num local interpolation and molecular mechanics
- 2003 - 2005 Zhu-Nakamura理論に基づく非断熱化学動力学の総合的研究
- 2001 - 2003 交差分子線散乱実験による励起酸素原子O(1D)反応の解明
- 2001 - 2002 化学反応における非平衡状態の理論研究
- 1999 - 2001 新型クーロン爆発質量分析器による大気微量成分測定法の開発
- 1999 - 2000 電子励起状態が関与する素反応過程の研究
- 1999 - 2000 Studies on structure and dynamics of transient molecules by ultrafast molecular structure determination method
- 1999 - 1999 非断熱遷移を含む気相反応ダイナミックス
- 1997 - 1998 三原子分子の波束動力学
- 1997 - 1998 Molecular Spectroscopy and Chemical Reactions of Molecular Clusters : Computational Studies
- 1995 - 1996 クラスター内エネルギー移動の理論的研究
- 1995 - 1995 クラスター内エネルギー移動の理論的研究
- 1993 - 1993 素反応過程における非断熱遷移の理論的研究
Show all
Papers (134):
Yuanzhe Li, Sebastian Oscar Danielache, Yoshiaki Endo, shinkoh Nanbu, Yuichiro Ueno. High-Resolution UV Absorption Cross-section Measurements of 32S, 33S, 34S, and 36S Sulfur Dioxide for the B ̵̃^1 B_1-X ̵̃^1 A_1 Absorption Band. 2024
Nana Iwasa, Shinkoh Nanbu. Investigating the photo-relaxation mechanism of 6-azauracil through ab initio nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations. Chemical Physics Letters. 2024. 838. 141088-141088
Karolis Sarka, Shinkoh Nanbu. Potential Energy Curves and Ultraviolet Absorption Cross Sections of Sulfur Dimer. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 2023. 7. 12. 2374-2381
Fuyutsuki Seba, Fujiwara Ayaka, Shinkoh Nambu. First-principles calculations of optical absorption cross sections of carbon monoxide isotopes with Doppler widths Absorption Cross Sections of Carbon Monoxide Isotope Molecular Species. 2023. 70
Nozomi Tomioka, Shinkoh Nanbu, Tomoyo Misawa-Suzuki, Hirotaka Nagao. N-C Bond Formation Between Two Anilines Coordinated to a Ruthenium Center in a Cis-form Affording a 3,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,2-diimine Moiety. RSC Advances. 2021. 11. 36644-36650
MISC (9):
杉山数馬, 吉永竜平, 橋本剛, 南部伸孝, 早下隆士, 欅田英之, 江馬一弘. Elucidation of Photo-Induced Electron Transfer in boronic acid fluorescence probe with sugar recognition function. 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM). 2020. 67th
羽根田涼, 杉山数馬, 藤澤真友子, 欅田英之, 江馬一弘, 橋本剛, 早下隆士, 南部伸孝. ナフタレン骨格を持つボロン酸誘導体における光化学反応と溶媒効果. 分子科学討論会講演プログラム&要旨(Web). 2018. 12th
Toshimasa Ishida, Shinkoh Nanbu, Hiroki Nakamura. Clarification of nonadiabatic chemical dynamics by the Zhu-Nakamura theory of nonadiabatic transition: from tri-atomic systems to reactions in solutions. INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 2017. 36. 2. 229-285
Akama Tomoko, Kobayashi Osamu, Nanbu Shinkoh, Taketsugu Tetsuya. Development of efficient time evolution method based on operator transformation. Proceedings of the Symposium on Chemoinformatics. 2016. 2016. 0. P10
Shinkoh Nanbu, Toshimasa Ishida, Hiroki Nakamura. Future perspectives of nonadiabatic chemical dynamics. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 2010. 1. 6. 663-674
Books (14):
Semiclassical Molecular Dynamics Simulation Method
World Scientific Publishing 2025 ISBN:9789811266348
Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics
Chaoyuan Zhu (ed), Jenny Stanford Publishing, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group 2023 ISBN:9789814968423
Photoisomerization Dynamics in Solution
New article introduction "Life on the Edge"
Clarification of Nonadiabatic Chemical Dynamics by the Zhu-Nakamura Theory of Nonadiabatic Transition: From Triatomic Systems to Reactions in Solutions
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry, Taylor & Francis 2017
Lectures and oral presentations (233):
(化学反応経路探索のニューフロンティア2021 2021)
Nonadiabatic ab initio Molecular Dynamics of Photoisomerization Reaction in Solution
(International Conference on Theoretical and High-Performance Computational Chemistry, Guiyang, P.R. China)
Molecular dynamics for inner structure of anion mixed plastic crystal
(nternational Conference on Theoretical and High-Performance Computational Chemistry, Guiyang, P.R. China)
Non-adiabatic ab initio Molecular Dyanmics of Ultraviolet Photodissociation of Methylamine
(International Conference on Theoretical and High-Performance Computational Chemistry, Guiyang, P.R. China)
Theoretical Analysis of the Carboxylation in RubisCO
(International Conference on Theoretical and High-Performance Computational Chemistry, Guiyang, P.R. China)
Education (3):
- 1990 - 1992 Keio University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 1988 - 1990 Keio University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 1984 - 1988 Keio University Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professional career (1):
Work history (4):
- 2011/10/01 - 2012/03/31 国立大学法人 東京工業大学 講師
- 2005/04/01 - 2009/03/31 Research Institute for Information Technology,Kyushu University
- 1992/07/01 - 2005/03/31 Institute for Molecular Science
- 1991/04/01 - 1992/06/30 Keio University
Awards (2):
- 2019/09/01 - The Chemical Society of Japan BCSJ(Bulletin of the Chemical Society Japan) Award Japan
- 2017/10/16 - the Royal Society of Chemistry Prizes for posters at QSCP-XXII was sponsored by Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP), a journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. China
Association Membership(s) (6):
Japan society of Theoretical Chemistry
, 日本化学会
, 日本物理学会
, 分子科学会
, American Chemical Society
, 同位体科学会
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