J-GLOBAL ID:200901062483507449
Update date: Dec. 06, 2023
Sawai Osao
サワイ オサオ | Sawai Osao
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Research field (1):
Solid earth science
Papers (18):
沢井長雄. 熱水変質岩からのK-Ar年代測定用鉱物の分離法. 地質技術. 2006. 1. 1. 15-18
SAWAI Osao. Iron-rich Chlorite from the Toyoha Polymetallic Vein-type Deposit, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Clay Sci. 2006. 12. 2. 7-10
西村祐二郎, 沢井長雄, 松原康. 山口県阿東町北東部の願成就温泉. 山口地学会誌. 2004. 52. 16-22
SAWAI Osao, KAWAMURA Hiroyuki, OKADA Toshinori, ITAYA Tetsumaru. K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks and gold deposits in the Bajo gold area, central Kyushu, Japan. Resource geology. 2002. 52(2),121-133. 2. 121-133
Nagao Takashi, Kido Michio, Sawai Osao. Nb-rich andesites from Kitsuki area in Oita Prefecture. Reports of Center for Instrumental Analysis, Yamaguchi Univ. 2001. 9. 9. 27-32
Lectures and oral presentations (23):
(第52回粘土科学討論会講演要旨集 2008)
(資源地質学会第58回年会講演会講演要旨集 2008)
(日本地質学会第114回学術大会講演要旨 2007)
(第51回粘土科学討論会講演要旨集 2007)
(資源地質学会第57回年会講演会講演要旨集 2007)
Education (3):
- - 1979 Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Geology and Mineralogy
- - 1977 Hokkaido University Faculty of Science Geology and Mineralogy
- Hokkaido University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Geology and Mineralogy
Professional career (1):
- Dr. of Science (Hokkaido University)
Work history (2):
- 2010/05/18 - 2016/04/11 YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Science and Engineering(Science) Associate Professor
- 2010/02/24 - 2010/05/17 YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Science and Engineering(Science)
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