Dissociating areas for novelty detection and for episodic encoding within the human medial temporal lobe
(International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting 2011)
Neural correlates of moral judgment about anti- and pro-social lying
(International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting 2011)
Neural correlates of moral judgment about anti- and pro-social lying
(International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting 2011)
Dissociating areas for novelty detection and for episodic encoding within the human medial temporal lobe
(International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting 2011)
The role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in deception for emotional and neutral events
(International Neuropsychological Society, 39th Annual Meeting 2011)
, Society for Neuroscience
, International Neuropsychological Society
, Human Brain Mapping
, Cognitive Neuroscience Society
, 日本リハビリテーション医学会
, 日本神経科学学会
, 日本神経学会
, 日本高次脳機能障害学会
, 日本神経心理学会