J-GLOBAL ID:200901063128709657
Update date: Jan. 09, 2006
Fukai Takashi
フカイ タカシ | Fukai Takashi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (2):
, Sculpture
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 彫刻・現代美術に関する研究
- Study on Sculpture and Contemporary Art.
Books (2):
深井隆画集 13月の青空 アルバートストリート93番地
新潮社 1995
La blua cielo de la dektria monato(N-ro)93,Alberto-Streto
Shinchosha 1995
Works (63):
2003 -
One man Exhibition(Color Museum)
2003 -
個展 高崎市美術館
2002 -
個展 富山市民プラザアートギャラリー
2002 -
垂直の時間 彫刻-過去・現在・未来- 東京芸術大学大学美術館陳列館
2001 -
Education (4):
- - 1978 Tokyo University of the Arts
- - 1978 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School, Division of Fine Arts
- - 1976 Tokyo University of the Arts
- - 1976 Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Fine Arts
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Tokyo University of the Arts)
Work history (9):
- 1984 - 1994 Tokyo University of the Arts
- 1984 - 1994 Tokyo National University of Arts and Music,
- 1982 - 1984 Tokyo University of the Arts
- 1982 - 1984 Tokyo National University of Arts and Music,
- 1978 - 1982 Tokyo University of the Arts
- 1978 - 1982 Tokyo National University of Arts and Music,
- Instructor
- Research Assistant
- Part time Instructor
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Awards (8):
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