J-GLOBAL ID:200901063147800509
Update date: Feb. 20, 2024
Ise Yoshio
イセ ヨシオ | Ise Yoshio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (5):
, 19世紀イギリス小説
, 英国小説
, English Novels in the 19th century and 20th century
, English Novels
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2020 - 2023 Repetition and Diversity of "Modernization": Analysis of Discursive Deconstruction of "the East and the West" by Using Foucault's "Archaeology"
- 2016 - 2019 Comparative Cultural Study on "Modernization" Discourse in the 19th and 20th British and Japanese Empires
- 2010 - 2012 Changing Images of Asia in the Nineteenth- and Twentieth-centuryEnglish Novels
- 2007 - 2009 A Cultural Study on Representations of East Asian Regions in English Literature
Papers (32):
Yoshio ISE. What can Language and Culture Studies do?: Manifesto. 2020. 57-62
Yoshio ISE. Victor's Historical Discourse and "Rebel": Dual Defeats of Mirror for Americans. 2019. 23-32
Yoshio ISE. Who Reads Literary Works?: Reader-Response Criticism and “Intertextuality”. 2018. 23-33
Yoshio ISE. Information Manipulation and Language Space: Military Tribunals set up in Two Places. 2017. 41-51
Yoshio ISE. Discourse Formation and Historicalness. 2016. 47-56
MISC (2):
Yoshio ISE. Patrick McGee, Telling the Other: The Question of Value in Modern and Postcolonial Writing, Cornell University Press, 1992. Studies in English Literature. 1995. 71. 2. 217-221
伊勢 芳夫. 3. 揺らぐ語り : 転換期の作家KiplingとFord(研究発表第十室,日本英文学会第63回大会報告). 英文学研究. 1992. 68. 2. 424-425
Books (10):
Repetition and Diversity of "Modernization": Analysis of Discursive Deconstruction of "the East and the West"
Keisuisha 2021
Victorian Things
2020 ISBN:9784772005418
土着と近代 : グローカルの大洋を行く英語圏文学
音羽書房鶴見書店 2015 ISBN:9784755302879
「反抗者」の肖像 : イギリス・インド・日本の近代化言説形成=編成 = Portraits of "rebels" : "modernization" and its discursive formations in Britain, India, and Japan
溪水社 2013 ISBN:9784863272057
英語文学の越境 : ポストコロニアル/カルチュラル・スタディーズの視点から
英宝社 2010 ISBN:9784269710344
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
Official Nationalism and Popular Nationalism: Good and Bad Aspects of English Language and Literature Education
Modernization In Japan: Focusing on Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Kawabata Yasunari
The Cause for Wars to Keep British Raj and Its lost, Symposium 'Wars and British and American Literature
Kipling and Hearn's Passages to Japan: From Sea to Sea and Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
The Fading Power of the Nineteenth Century Omniscient Narrator: Kipling and Ford
Professional career (2):
Association Membership(s) (2):
The Kipling Society of Japan
, 日本英文学会
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