2013 - 2016 Development of the Coaxial Multilaser System for Thomson Scattering Diagnostic
2012 - 2016 Study on Divertor and ELM Simulation Using Tande Mirror End-Region and High Power Neutral Particle Beam
2014 - 2015 新型マルチパストムソン散乱計測システムの開発
2014 - 2015 GAMMA 10/PDXにおけるトムソン散乱計測システムの構築
2014 - 2015 GAMMA10境界プラズマの放射スペクトルの研究
2013 - 2014 Radial electron temperature profile measurements in the tandem mirror GAMMA 10 by use of Thomson scattering system
2013 - 2014 新型マルチパストムソン散乱計測システムの開発
2013 - 2014 タンデムミラーGAMMA10におけるトムソン散乱計測による電子温度分布計測
2013 - 2014 GAMMA10境界プラズマの放射スペクトル放射の研究
2011 - 2014 新型マルチパストムソン散乱計測システムの開発
2011 - 2012 タンデムミラーGAMMA10におけるトムソン散乱計測による電子温度分布計測
2010 - 2011 タンデムミラーGAMMA10におけるトムソン散乱計測による電子温度計測
2009 - 2010 燃料供給用ペレットのガイドチューブ内での運動
2009 - 2010 タンデムミラーGAMMA10におけるトムソン散乱計測システムの導入
2004 - 2010 Advanced Diagnostics for Burning Plasmas
2008 - 2009 衝突・輻射モデルを用いたガンマ10プラズマにおける分光診断法
2006 - 2007 核融合プラズマにおける放射スペクトル強度の研究
2004 - 2007 Study of fueling pellet injection in steady plasma operation in LHD
2004 - 2007 先進シナリオに則した電位閉じ込め効果究明のための新しい電位計測
2005 - 2006 核融合プラズマにおける放射スペクトル強度の研究
2004 - 2005 「タンデムミラープラズマの中性粒子密度分布の研究」
1999 - 2004 Studies of impurity ions' radiation power in GAMMA 10
2003 - 2004 Study on neutral particle behavior in non-axisymmetric minimum-B region of a tandem mirror
2003 - 2004 Direct Measurement of Bounce Ions and Suppression of Radial Transport by Control of Radial Electric Field
2002 - 2003 Extended Consolidation of Scaling Laws of Plasma Potential Confinement and Potential Formation
2002 - 2002 Study of pellet transport in the guide tube for plasma fueling
2000 - 2001 Development of Semiconductor Detectors for Simultaneous Observations of Spatially Resolved Ion and Electron Temperatures and Beams
1999 - 2000 Studies of Physics Scaling and the Experimental Verification of the Effects of Fusion-Produced Neutrons on Semiconductor Detectors
1998 - 2000 Development of Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy
1998 - Pellet injection in the tandem mirror.
1997 - 1998 Studies of Spatial Distributions of Potential Confined Electron Distribution Functions and a Scaling Law of Plasma Confining Potentials for Producing High Electron Temperatures and High Densities
1996 - 1996 真空紫外分光器を用いたガンマ10プラズマの不純物イオンスペクトルの測定
1995 - Spectroscopic, Microwave, Beam Probe, and Laser Diagnosis of the Plasma in the Tandem Mirror GAMMA 10. Pellet injection in the GAMMA 10.
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Papers (417):
Okamoto, T., Ezumi, N., Takahashi, S., Perillo, R., Togo, S., Kouno, K., Seto, T., Miyauchi, R., Kawahara, H., Kohagura, J., et al. Coexistence of H-MAR and N-MAR in divertor simulation experimental module of GAMMA 10/PDX. NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND ENERGY. 2024. 41
Masayuki Yoshikawa, Junko Kohagura, Naomichi Ezumi, Tsuyoshi Kariya, Ryutaro Minami, Tomoharu Numakura, Mafumi Hirata, Satoshi Togo, Mizuki Sakamoto, Yousuke Nakashima, et al. Behavior of detached simulation plasma by suddenly changed particle flux in GAMMA 10/PDX. AIP Advances. 2024. 14. 12
Yoshikawa, M., Nakashima, Y., Kohagura, J., Shima, Y., Kobayashi, S., Minami, R., Ezumi, N., Sakamoto, M. Study of the pellet ablation cloud using the tomography technique for two-directional simultaneous photography in GAMMA 10/PDX. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS. 2024. 90. 2
EZUMI, N, GAMO, H, TAKAHASHI, S, OKAMOTO, T, TAKANASHI, K, SHIGEMATSU, N, SETO, T, MIYAUCHI, R, TOGO, S, KOHAGURA, J, et al. Time Evolution of 2D Emission Profiles of Detached Plasma during Hydrogen and Impurities Combined Gas Seeding in GAMMA10/PDX. Proc. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023). 2023. IAEA-CN-316/1658
YOSHIKAWA, Masayuki, Kohagura, J, Ezumi, N, Kariya, T, Minami, R, Numakura, T, Hirata, M, Togo, S, Sakamoto, M, Nakashima, Y, et al. EFFECT OF HIGHER PARTICLE FLUX ON DETACHED SIMULATION PLASMA IN THE GAMMA 10/PDX DIVERTOR SIMULATION EXPERIMENTAL MODULE. Proc. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC2023). 2023. IAEA-CN-316/1674 27901
野口大地, 平田真史, 江角直道, 山崎響, JANG S., 関根諒, 栢野大樹, 菅田海里, 相澤拓実, KIM Doyeon, et al. Measurement of difference frequency waves in ion cyclotron range of frequency using microwave reflectometer in GAMMA 10/PDX. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2020. 37th
栢野大樹, 平田真史, 江角直道, 山崎響, JANG S., 菅田海里, 相澤拓実, 野口大地, KIM Doyeon, 杉本勇大, et al. GAMMA 10/PDXセントラル部での印加波動に起因するICRF差周波波動によるイオン加熱の計測. プラズマ・核融合学会年会(Web). 2020. 37th
Influence of Ion Temperature on Detached Plasma Formation in the GAMMA 10/PDX Divertor Simulation Plasma
(26th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI-26))
Coexistence of H-MAR and N-MAR in Divertor Simulation Module of GAMMA 10/PDX
(26th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI-26))
Simultaneous high-speed camera observation of spatio-temporal emission profiles of Hα, Hβ and Hγ in GAMMA 10/PDX divertor simulated plasma
(26th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI-26))
The electrode biasing system for vortex confinements in Pilot GAMMA PDX-SC
大電力ECHによる間欠的熱負荷生成実験と Pilot GAMMA PDX-SCに向けたECHシステムの開発