J-GLOBAL ID:200901063976742567
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024
Niino Morihiro
Niino Morihiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2011 - 2016 The postmodern aesthetics in the theatre of the German-speaking countries
- 2006 - 2010 ヨーロッパの公共文化空間の変遷-ドイツ語圏の演劇表現と制度-
- 2002 - 2006 都市と演劇<ベルリン> -歴史の記憶と現在の姿-
- 1998 - 2001 サブカルチャーと演劇 -ベルリン-
Papers (36):
Morihiro Niino. Little Theatre Movements in German-speaking countries and Japan. What is Little Theatre Movement?. 2022. 170-196
Morihiro Niino. "The Third Generation": Voices from Germany, Israel and Palestine. Theatre Born in Conflict Zones. 2019. 151-157
Morihiro Niino. A Report on ‘Theatre Born in Conflict Zones 10’ Two Plays from Germany and Canada Linked to Conflict Zones - "Common Ground" and "This Is War". Theatre in Japan. Theatre Yearbook 2019. 2019. 154-162
Morihiro NIINO. Exchange of the Energy - Uniqueness of the Modern Noh Play "Hamletmaschine". The Challenge of 'the Modern Noh Plays'. 2018. 111-122
Morihiro Niino. Postmigranttheater: How the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin Presents its Program Reflecting the Diversified Society. Language, Culture, and Communication. 2018. 10. 75-88
MISC (2):
NIINO Morihiro. Michiko TANIGAWA, Heiner-Muller-Maschine, Tokyo, Miraisha-Verlag, 2000. Die Deutsche Literatur. 2002. 108. 199-201
Niino Morihiro. Betrachutungen und dssays. Aspekt. 2002. 36. 78-83
Books (12):
Winter im Sommer - Fruhling im Herbst: Erinnerungen by Joachim Gauck
Ronsosha 2017 ISBN:9784846016678
国際演劇評論家協会日本センター 2016 ISBN:9784893804624
Dea Loher: Unschuld, Das letzte Feuer (japanische Uebersetzungen)
Ronsosha 2010 ISBN:9784846009588
Die Verstoerung, Unter Eis
Ronsosha 2009
Translation: George Tabori: Die Goldberg-Variationen. In: George Tabori Theaterstuecke II. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag1994
Ronsosha 2006 ISBN:9784846006129
Education (2):
- - 1987 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Humanities
- - 1985 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature
Professional career (1):
Committee career (7):
Awards (2):
- 2009/12 - 小田島雄志氏 小田島雄志・翻訳戯曲賞
- 2006/11 - 国際演劇評論家協会日本センター AICT賞
Association Membership(s) (5):
Internationalen Vereinigung fur Germanistik(IVG)
, 国際演劇評論家協会
, ドイツ語教育部会
, オーストリア文学研究会
, 日本独文学会
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