J-GLOBAL ID:200901064040316546
Update date: May. 24, 2024
Yanagisawa Akira
ヤナギサワ アキラ | Yanagisawa Akira
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
History - Asia/Africa
Research keywords (1):
Asian History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
- 2019 - 2024 19世紀を中心とした軍事的学知をめぐる人と書物の交錯
- 2019 - 2022 Multilingual translation and communication gap in the diplomatic relationship between Qing and Russia
- 2017 - 2020 ロシア統治下チベット仏教徒のチベット・モンゴルとの交流の研究
- 2014 - 2018 The development of relationships between port cities and their inland regions from historical perspectives
- 2014 - 2017 A Comparative Study of Honor, Loyalty and Patriotism in 18th and 19th Centuries from the Viewpoint of Military History
- 2011 - 2015 Study on the social reorganization and symbiotic relations in the past and present of Northeast Asia
- 2014 - 2015 日本における遊牧研究史とその新展開
- 2010 - 2013 Study of the trade route and system in the North Asia and the North East Asia between the 18th century and the 19th century
- 2008 - 2011 A study on tribute and regulated trade from 14th to early 20th century and transformation of world order in East Asia
- 2007 - 2009 Imperial Russia and the Emergence of "Northeast Asia" from the Viewpoint of International Relations
- 2007 - 2009 Research in social and cultural Transformation in North and Northeast Asia-peoples who having the same roots and the "borders"-
- 2007 - 2009 Examination of relationship anti-Japanese movement and historical structure in North-east China
- 2006 - 2009 The Study on Trading Structure of Ceramics in Innermost Asia
- 2004 - 2007 Historical Study in Cultural Contacts and Changes of North/Central Eurasia
- 2004 - 2006 The Transformation Process of Ethnic Groups in Heilongjiang area under the rule of Qing dynasty
- 2002 - 2005 The Core and Peripheries of the Chinese Empire : -Pursuing the Original Form of Contemporary East Asia-
- 1999 - 2000 Formation of China's World Order - Contact and Fusion of Hunting, Pasturage, and Hosbandry Cultures in the 18th Century -
- A Study in "Erdeni tunumal neretu sudur orusiba".
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Papers (30):
Akira Yanagisawa. The International Protocol of 1792 as an Origin of Consular Jurisdiction. Mongolia and Northeast Asian studies. 2019. 4. 39-48
YANAGISAWA Akira. Qing "Government Caravans" in Kiyakhta: The Activities of Bederge Muslims. Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko. 2019. 77. 1-37
YANAGISAWA Akira. Lingae Francae in Diplomatic Relations between Russia and Qing. Shimane Journal of North East Asian Research, Special Issue. 2017. 3. 147-162
YANAGISAWA Akira. SUGIYAMA Kiyohiko, Daishin teikoku no keisei to hakki-sei [The Formation of the Qing Empire and the Eight Banner System]. Manzokushi Kenkyū (Journal of Manchu and Qing Studies). 2015. 14. 37-52
YANAGISAWA Akira. The Qing's state caravans to Kiakhta composed of "bederge" Muslim merchants. Shiteki. 2014. 36. 232-253
Books (25):
東洋文庫 2022 ISBN:9784809703119
論集北東アジアにおける近代的空間 : その形成と影響
明石書店 2022 ISBN:9784750353296
東アジアと東南アジアの近世 : 一五〜一八世紀
岩波書店 2022 ISBN:9784000114226
書物のなかの近世国家 : 東アジア「一統志」の時代
勉誠出版 (発売) 2021 ISBN:9784585325055
ハンドブック近代中国外交史 : 明清交替から満洲事変まで
ミネルヴァ書房 2019 ISBN:9784623084906
Lectures and oral presentations (19):
(満文文献与清史研究国際学術研討会 2022)
(「内亜与海洋:明清中央档案、地方文書及域外史料」国際研討会 2022)
(満族史研究会 第37回大会 2022)
The Eight Banner System and Ethnic Transformation in 17-19 c. Manchuria
("Statecraft & Identity Creation in the Border Regions of the Qing" at 23rd Biennial Conference of European Association for Chinese Studies 2021)
(内蒙古師範大学東北亜民族歴史文化研究院掲牌儀式曁“族際交流与文化互動”高峰論壇 2019)
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本モンゴル学会
, Society of Inner Asian Studies
, 東方学会
, 史学会
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