J-GLOBAL ID:200901064154982104
Update date: Jan. 31, 2024
Imasato Shigeru
イマサト シゲル | Imasato Shigeru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
- 2015 - 2018 A Theoretical and empirical study on the accumulation of social relationship capital with the guiding concept of solidarity
- 2010 - 2012 A Theoretical, Historical and Experimental Research on Civic Creation of Public Sphere
- 2009 - 2011 Formation and Development of Digital Community Governance
- 2002 - 2003 居住循環システム構築による高齢者活性化の研究
- 2000 - 2002 Comparative Cross-national Study of Local Government Reform a la New Public Management
- 2001 - 2001 NPOのインパクトアナリシスに関する国際共同研究の企画調査
- 1996 - 1998 Experiences of the Multiple Uses of the Micro Data from Official Statistics in Advanced Countries in thier Institutional Background
- 1996 - 1996 行政コンサルタントの機能と動態に関する実証的研究
- 1993 - 1994 A Study on Effectiveness of Personnel Management System interms of Career Developmentof CivilServant
- 1992 - 1994 高度情報化と行政過程
- 1992 - 1992 日本の政府間人事関係の実証的研究
- 1991 - 1991 高度情報化と行政過程
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Papers (9):
The Policy and Management Association of Doshisha University. Social Innovation Course 10th Anniversary Forum : "Explore Learning! Wisdom and Skill to Change Society", in Graduate School of Policy and Management, Doshisha University, 23rd November 2017(Part3・Finish). 2020. 22. 1. 169-178
Imasato Shigeru. Local assemblies and their governance in Japan. Doshisha University policy & management. 2005. 7. 1. 1-11
Imasato Shigeru. New Developments in Public Information Disclosure System of Japanese Local Authorities. Journal of law and politics. 2002. 69. 2. 201-224
Imasato Shigeru. American Public Administration Revisited : Case Study and Organization Study. Journal of law and politics. 1997. 63. 3. 877-949
Imasato Shigeru. Citizen's Use of National Policy : A Case Study of Hakata. Journal of law and politics. 1995. 62. 2. 318-297
MISC (15):
Imasato, Shigeru. Social Innovation as a Graduate Study: The Genesis of Social Innnovation Course of Graduate School of Policy and Management in Doshisha University. Japan Social Innovation Review. 2020. 1. 1-15
Imasato, Shigeru. Historical Overview and Challenges of Wildlife Management Policy in Japan. Doshisha Policy Science Study. 2020. 21. 2. 15-29
Imasato, Shigeru, Niikawa, Tatsuro et al. A Report on the Tenth Anniversary Forum of Social Innovation Course of Graduate School of Policy and Management, Doshisha University: Pursuing Study for Societal Changemaking_2. Doshisha Policy Science Study. 2019. 21. 1. 98-102
Imasato, Shigeru. Discipline of Social Innovation as a Conscience. 2019. 147. 50-51
Imasato, Shigeru, Niikawa, Tatsuro et al. A Report on the Tenth Anniversary Forum of Social Innovation Course of Graduate School of Policy and Management, Doshisha University: Pursuing Study for Societal Changemaking_1. Doshisha Policy Science Study. 2019. 20. 2. 98-102
Books (5):
公人社 2011
せせらぎ出版 2011
ミネルヴァ書房 2010
『月刊マクロビオティック』 2010
九州大学出版会 2000 ISBN:487378641X
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
(「成美大学シンポジウム VIVA! I・NA・KA 北近畿における農と若者を考える」 2012)
(2010年度日本行政学会総会・研究会 2010)
(「中山間地域フォーラム 2010年度 秋期シンポジウム」 2010)
Education (6):
Professional career (2):
- Doctor of Laws (Kyushu University)
- Master of Laws (Kyushu University)
Work history (15):
- 2003/10 - 現在 Doshisha University Graduate School of Policy and Management
- 2003/03 - Kyushu University
- 2001/04 - 2003/02 文部科学教官九州大学教授(法学研究院)
- 2001/04 - Fukuoka Institute of Technology Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies
- 2000/04 - Shigakukan University Faculty of Law
- 1993/04 - Kyushu International University Faculty of Law
- 1993/04 - Kyushu Sangyo University Faculty of Economics
- 1992/05 - Seinan Gakuin University Division of International Relations Law, Department of Law
- 1992/05 - 文部教官九州大学教授(法学部)
- 1991/04 - 平成3年4月 九州大学教育学部附属比較教育文化研究施設助教授を兼任
- 1988/07 - 1988/09 北九州大学法学部非常勤講師を兼任(行政学II)
- 1987/04 - Seinan Gakuin University Department of Law
- 1984/07 - 文部教官九州大学助教授(法学部)
- 1983/04 - 1984/03 財団法人日本学術振興会奨励研究員
- 1981/04 - 1983/03 文部教官九州大学助手(法学部)
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Committee career (4):
- 2018/11 - 現在 Japan Society for Social Innovation Co-President
- 2012 - 現在 日本地方自治学会 理事
- 2006/04 - 現在 Kyoto Food Education Network President
- 2012 - 2014 Japan Society for Local Autonomy Board of Trustees
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本地方自治学会
, Japan Association for Public Administration
, Japan Society for Local Autonomy
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