J-GLOBAL ID:200901064711088179   Update date: Jan. 30, 2024

Murakami Toshiki

ムラカミ トシキ | Murakami Toshiki
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Sociology ,  Economic policy ,  Economic policy
Research keywords  (6): senior citizen's club ,  local community ,  super-aged society ,  economic sociology ,  social security ,  Ordnungspolitik
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2017 - 2022 Evolving the Theory of Pluralistic Economic Order Based on Integrated Economic Ethics
  • 2013 - 2018 Building The Theory of Pluralistic Economic Order Based on Integrated Economic Ethics
  • 2009 - 2012 Beyond the Dualistic Conception of Economic Order: Integration ofEconomics and Ethics on Intermediate Organizations
  • 2008 - 2010 Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Subsidiary System of the Long-term Care Insurance
  • 2005 - 2007 Research of the Third Economy in the Change of Foundations for an Economy
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Papers (24):
  • Eine Untersuchung über die Entwicklung der intermediären Organizationen in einer alternden Gesellschaft : eine Fallstudie von "Tomonokai" in Deutschland. 2021. 57. 4. 139-154
  • Eine Untersuchung über die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der Wirtschaftssoziologie in Deutschland. 2018. 54. 4. 111-126
  • An Inquiry into the Intergenerational and Intragenerational Exchange in Germany : Based on Interviews about KDA and "Mehrgenerationenhauser". 2016. 53. 2. 203-217
  • W. Röpkes Ordnungspolitische Konzeption : Zur theoretischen Grundlagen von soziologischen Neoliberalismus. 2015. 51. 4. 239-265
  • Alfred Muller-Armacks Wirtschaftsstiltheorie : Ein Geistlicher und Theoretischer Hintegrund zur Konzeption der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft. 2013. 50. 1. 83-99
MISC (2):
  • Intergenerational and Intragenerational Cooperation in Germany : To Accelerate the Social Participation of the Elderly People in the Super-Aged Society. 2016. 38. 225-227
  • 村上 寿来. ミュラー=アルマックの社会的市場経済構想の再検討 (〔日本経済政策学会〕第五十八回大会共通論題『経済政策から見た「IT戦略」』) -- (自由論題). 日本経済政策学会年報. 2002. 50. 107-110
Books (3):
  • 現代の社会保障
    高菅出版 2020 ISBN:9784901793803
  • 現代の経済社会と福祉社会の展望
    高菅出版 2013 ISBN:9784901793643
  • Theory of Economic Policy
    2005 ISBN:4502653608
Education (2):
  • 1999 - 2002 Kobe University Graduate School of Economics
  • 1997 - 1999 Kobe University Graduate School of Economics
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(経済学) (神戸大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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