J-GLOBAL ID:200901065384726049
Update date: Aug. 22, 2022
Hiroshi Takesako
Hiroshi Takesako
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2000 - Studies on the Pedo-genctic Environment of the Kanto-loam (soil forming,Environmental change,weathering)
- 1996 - Soil forming Environments at Semi arid area
- 1980 - Soil forming Environments of Andosols at South Kanto district
- 芝草の環境保全型管理システムの確立に関する研究
- 理化学的性質による関東ローム層の解析環境変遷の解明
Papers (33):
David J. Lowe, Jock Churchman, David Chittleborough. Holocene volcanic soils in the Mt. Gambier region, South Australia. 2010 19th Congress of Soil Science, Soil solutions for a Changing World. 2010. 47-50
Syuntaro Hiradate, Takuya Yonezawa, Hiroshi Takesako. Fine fractionation and purification of the fulvic acid fraction using adsorption and precipitation procedures. SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION. 2007. 53. 4. 413-419
S Hiradate, T Yonezawa, H Takesako. Isolation and purification of hydrophilic fulvic acids by precipitation. GEODERMA. 2006. 132. 1-2. 196-205
Relationship between management of turf and uptake rate of mutrients by turf grass -Mixed planting of Bermuda garass with Kentucky bluegrass-. 2006. 55. 3. 117-124
Palaeoenvironmental Changes in Central Japan: Ca. 33-ka Record Based on Physico-chemical Analysis of a Multilayerd Sequence of Thephra Deposits had Andic Paleosols. Proceedings of International symposium on volcanic ash soils and field workshop in the Mt. Fuji area -genesis, characteristics, utilization of their distinctive functions and new topics-. 2006. 81-92
Books (2):
日本ペドロジー学会編 土壌を愛し、土壌を守る
博友社 2007
文永堂出版 2005
Lectures and oral presentations (28):
Clay mineralogy in polluted soils by radioactive elements at Fukushima
(Kanto branch conference, Japanese society of soil science and plant nutritions. 2012)
(日本土壌肥料学会2012年度鳥取大会 2012)
完新世富士火山灰土壌中の炭素貯留量と気候変動との関係 -縄文期における富士黒土層の成因解明-
(日本土壌肥料学会2012年度鳥取大会 2012)
Quantity of of Allophane content in clay fractions by oxalate soluble method
(日本土壌肥料学会2009年度京都大会 2009)
Professional career (3):
- Bs. of Agriculture (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
- Ms. of Agriculture (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)
- Dr. of Agriculture (The University of Tokyo)
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本ペドロジー学会
, 日本第四紀学会
, 土壌物理学会
, 日本粘土学会
, 日本腐植物質研究会
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