Research keywords (1):
Second language acquisition, first language acquisition, bilingual and multilingual speakers, language attrition, heritage language, language teaching
Research theme for competitive and other funds (17):
2024 - 2026 Theoretical and Empirical Research on Linguistic Knowledge and Performance among Second / Third Language Learners and Heritage Language Speakers
2022 - 2026 Theoretical and Empirical Research on Linguistic Knowledge and Performance among Second / Third Language Learners and Heritage Speakers
2017 - 2021 Theoretical and Empirical Research on Sentence Processing and Comprehension among Heritage Language Speakers and Second Language Learners
2014 - 2019 Developing an effective teaching method for English constructions with phonologically null elements: An approach based on multiple construction types across different languages
2002 - 2003 Unaccusativity in Second Language Japanese and English
2000 - 2002 日英語を中心とする第二言語および二言語併用習得研究
1999 - 2001 普遍的言語発達指標開発のための日英語の習得比較研究
1996 - 1997 日本語と英語における自動詞構文の習得に関する研究
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Papers (32):
Hirakawa Makiko, Shibuya Mayumi, Endo Marie. Explicit instruction, input flood or study abroad: Which helps Japanese learners of English acquire adjective ordering?. Language Teaching Research. 2019. 23. 2. 158-178
MEGHAN ZVAIGZNE, YURIKO OSHIMA-TAKANE, MAKIKO HIRAKAWA. How does language proficiency affect children’s iconic gesture use?. Applied Psycholinguistics. 2019. 40. 2. 555-583
Hirakawa, Makiko. Linguistic Theory and Second Language Classroom Research: The Effectiveness of Explicit Instruction. Second Language. 2017. 16. 39-56
Umeda, M, Takeda, K, Hirakawa, M, Fukuda, M, Hirakawa, Y, Matthews, J, Snape, N. Acquiring antecedents for reflexives when both L1 and L2 permit long-distance binding. Journal of the European Second Language Association. 2017. 1. 1. 38-48
Acquisition of Attributive Modification by Japanese Learners of English
(Center for Language and Literature, Lund University, Sweden 2022)
Language Proficiency and Children's Iconic Gesture
(LAMiNATE, Lund University, Sweden 2022)
Acquisition of Long-Distance Reflexive Binding in Japanese by Chinese Speakers
(LCEAL, Lund University, Sweden 2022)
The blocking effect in the acquisition of Chinese reflexives by L1-Japanese learners.
(The 23rd International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2022) 2022)
The blocking effect in the interpretation of Chinese reflexives by L1 Japanese learners.
(The 31st Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 31) 2022)