J-GLOBAL ID:200901065998508030
Update date: Sep. 24, 2024
Sheftall George Mordecai
シェフタル モーデカイ | Sheftall George Mordecai
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
History - Japan
Research keywords (10):
Terror Management Theory and Culture
, American History
, Kamikaze Corps
, Cultural Theory
, Culture and War
, Atomic Bomb Survivors
, Hibakusha
, Nagasaki
, Hiroshima
, Modern Japanese Cultural History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
Papers (2):
M.G. Sheftall. Review of Flowers That Kill: Communicative Opacity in Political Spaces. Monumentica Nipponica Vol 73 No 1. 2018. 73. 1. 115-118
M.G. Sheftall. "Inconvenient heroes: Managed war memories in Occupation Era Japan". Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society, Vol 4 No 2. 2010. 86-102
MISC (2):
M.G. Sheftall. Review of KAMIKAZE DIARIES: REFLECTIONS OF JAPANESE STUDENT SOLDIERS (Ohnuki-Tierney, E. (2006). Chicago: University of Chicago). 2008. 10. 1. 114-117
M.G. Sheftall. Review of KAMIKAZE, CHERRY BLOSSOMS AND NATIONALISMS (Ohnuki-Tierney, E. (2002) Chicago: University of Chicago Press). 2004. 112. 3. 278-280
Books (10):
Japan's Demographic Revival
World Scientific Publishing 2016
The Pacific War: Aftermaths, Remembrance and Culture
Routledge 2014
How Fighting Ends: A History of Surrender
Oxford University Press 2012
The Origins of the Second World War
Hambledon & London 2011
Palgrave Macmillan 2008
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
“Hiroshima Protests, Nagasaki Prays: Divergent Narratives in Early Postwar Atomic Bombing Memorialization Discourse”
(Asian Studies Conference Japan 2019 2019)
1945: Japan's Imperial Apocalypse and Aftermath -- A theoretical and historical examination of the origins and evolution of modern Japanese cultural space
(Summer Studies in Japanese Culture 2016)
Lecture on the significance of the kamikaze exhibit at the Battleship Missouri Museum
(Battleship Missouri Museum, Pearl Harbor, US 2015)
"Narrative for Armageddon: Japanese establishment rhetoric during the final months of the Asia-Pacific War"
(Eighteenth Asian Studies Conference Japan 2014)
(日文研 2012)
Education (4):
- - 2009 Waseda University
- - 2009 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of History and Anthropology Modern day ”bushido” as a Japanese hero-system
- - 1999 バーミングハム大学大学院 言語文化研究科 外国語学習における文化と性格的な要因
- - 1999 University of Birmingham Centre for English Language Studies Graduate School, Division of Language and Culture Cultural and Temperamental Affect in Second Language Acquisition
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (Waseda University)
Committee career (1):
- 2012/06 - 現在 City of Minamikyushu, Kagoshima Prefecture Special Historical Advisory Committee
Association Membership(s) (3):
Association for Asian Studies
, Naval Institute
, Society for Military History
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