J-GLOBAL ID:200901066018149345
Update date: Aug. 29, 2022
Sakamoto Makio
サカモト マキオ | Sakamoto Makio
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Affiliation and department:
Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology Faculty of Marine Science
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Detailed information
Research field (1):
Marine and maritime engineering
Research keywords (2):
, Ship Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
A Study on Energy Saving of Dynamo Engine for Fishing Boat
MISC (21):
漁船用ディーゼル機関の弁ガイド交換が弁棒隙間に及ぼす影響(共著). 水産工学. 2000. 36. 3. 249-252
Effect of Charging Value Stem Guide on Value Stem Clearance of Diesel Engines Used for Fishing Boots. Fisheries Engineering. 2000. 36. 3. 249-252
小型イカ釣り漁船の集魚灯用発電機形式による燃料消費量の節減効果(共著). 水産工学. 1999. 35. 3. 235-239
Effect of Senerator Types on Fuel Consumption on Small Squid Jigging Boats. Fisheries Engineering. 1999. 35. 3. 235-239
酒井久治. 冷凍装置用冷却海水ポンプの可変速化による節電効果(共著). 水産工学. 1996. 33. 2. 105-109
Education (1):
- 1982 水産大学校 水産学部 機関専攻科
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 日本舶用機関学会
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