Former Institution / Organization Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nihon University/Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences Department of Geography
About Former Institution / Organization Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nihon University/Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences Department of Geography
Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
2008 - 2011 液体シンチレーションによるバイオマス度の測定法の開発
2008 - 2011 A Study of Standardization of Measurement for Biomass Materials By Liquid Scintillation Counter
1965 - 2011 人類遺跡の起源と復元に関する自然科学的研究
1965 - 2011 Study of Origine of Human Ruins and Their Restoration By Scientific Technology
1990 - 1992 Coastal Evolution on the Coastal Areas of the Japanese Islands from the Late Quaternary to the Future
1987 - 1988 Studies on the permafrost occurrence related to the past climatic changes in Antarctic regions
1988 - 南西諸島のサンゴ礁地形の編年学的研究
1988 - Chronological Study on the coral reef islands of the Nansei Islands, Southwest of Japan
1987 - 1987 南半球極地域の永久凍土の形成とそれに及ぼす気候変動の影響
1968 - 最終間氷期以降における自然環境の変遷
1968 - Geochronological Study of Physical Environment Since the Last Inter Glacial
1965 - 14C年代測定法とその応用
1965 - Radiocarbon Dating and It's Application
Development of High Accuracy Radiocarbon Dating Method
Radiocarbon age of Human Ruins and Reconstruction of their Paleo Environment
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Papers (9):
Kunio OMOTO, Tetsuya WARAGAI, Akiko IKEDA, Hideo OYAGI. Analyses of Cemented and Un-cemented Sand Layers and Spring Water, Collected from Yoshino Coast, Southeast of Miyako Island, Okinawa. Quarterly Journal of Geography. 2022. 74. 2. 68-77
Omoto, K, Nakamura, T, Matsushima, Y. Local marine reservoir value (ΔR) of Ie Island, Okinawa and its significance. Quaterly Jounal of Geography. 2018. 70. 1. 77-83
Omoto, K, Nakamura, T, Matsushima, Y. 14C ages of shell and charcoal samples excavated from Magarabaru-3 shall mound and Kayabaru A-site, southern coast of Ie Island, Okinawa prefecture. The Quaternary Research. 2018. 57. 2. 77-83
Omoto, K, Minami, M. 14C age and the significance of Porites, beached on the eastern part of Maibah beach, southeast of Miyako Island, Okinawa prefecture. Quaterly Jounal of Geography. 2017. 69. 3. 119-127
The Problem of Age Determination on the Occurrence Time of Huge Tsunami by Coral Boulders
(LSC 2010 Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry 2010)
Calibrated Radiocarbon Ages of Jomon Iseki, NE Japan and Their Significance
(20th International Radiocarbon Conference 2009)
Calibrated radiocarbon ages of beach rock samples and late Holocene sea level change of Miyako Island
(Autumn Meeting of The Association of Japanese Geographers 2009)