J-GLOBAL ID:200901066298171278   Update date: Sep. 23, 2024

Miyoshi Makoto

ミヨシ マコト | Miyoshi Makoto
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Food sciences
Research keywords  (1): synbiotics
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (6):
  • 2018 - 2021 膵臓癌幹細胞の初期肝転移を決定するエクソソームの関与と転移阻害剤に関する基盤研究
  • 2017 - 2020 急性期筋萎縮時の脂質メディエーター網羅的解析とその制御
  • 2017 - 2020 K-ras/MMP-10シグナル伝達を標的とした抗癌剤耐性膵癌の新規治療法の確立
  • 2015 - 2018 抗炎症・抗酸化物質と超音波エネルギーの相乗効果に着目した筋萎縮予防法の創成
  • 2013 - 2016 高脂肪食投与による肥満ラットの敗血症下侵襲反応とトリプチリン経口投与効果の解析
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Papers (63):
  • Ai Kimoto, Yusuke Kadoi, Taisei Tsuruda, Yong-Sik Kim, Makoto Miyoshi, Yuna Nomoto, Yuna Nakata, Mutsumi Miyake, Kumiko Miyashita, Kazuya Shimizu, et al. Exosomes in ascites from patients with human pancreatic cancer enhance remote metastasis partially through endothelial-mesenchymal transition. Pancreatology. 2023
  • Fumiya Nakayama, Makoto Miyoshi, Ai Kimoto, Akari Kawano, Kumoko Miyashita, Shingo Kamoshida, Kazuya Shimizu, Yuichi Hori. Pancreatic cancer cell-derived exosomes induce epithelial-mesenchymal transition in human pancreatic cancer cells themselves partially via transforming growth factor β1. Medical Molecular Morphology. 2022
  • Makoto Miyoshi, Hiraku Kadoguchi, Makoto Usami, Yuichi Hori. Synbiotics Improved Stool Form via Changes in the Microbiota and Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Hemodialysis Patients. Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021. 67. 3. E112-E118
  • Atomu Yamaguchi, Yuichi Nishida, Noriaki Maeshige, Maiki Moriguchi, Mikiko Uemura, Xiaoqi Ma, Makoto Miyoshi, Hiroyo Kondo, Hidemi Fujino. Preventive effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) against endotoxin-induced muscle atrophy. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN. 2021. 45. 503-506
  • Masato Kawashima, Noriaki Kawanishi, Takaki Tominaga, Katsuhiko Suzuki, Anna Miyazaki, Itsuki Nagata, Makoto Miyoshi, Motoi Miyakawa, Tohma Sakuraya, Takahiro Sonomura, et al. Icing after eccentric contraction-induced muscle damage perturbs the disappearance of necrotic muscle fibers and phenotypic dynamics of macrophages in mice. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2021. 130. 5. 1410-1420
MISC (147):
Lectures and oral presentations  (179):
  • Monoamine oxidase B inhibitor has anti-tumor effect on gemcitabine-resistant human pancreatic cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer cell-derived exosomes induce EMT in human pancreatic cancer cells themselves
  • Synbioticsによる血液透析患者の腸内環境と便形状改善効果
    (第37回日本臨床栄養代謝学会 2022)
  • ヒト膵臓がん細胞のorthotopic allograft implantationマウスモデルの開発
    (第29回JDDW 日本消化器関連学会)
  • Patient-derived orthotopic pancreatic cancer tissue xenografts recapitulate remote metastasis and cancer-associated hypercoagulation
    (American Pancreatic Association 2021 2021)
Education (1):
  • - 2009 神戸大学 大学院医学系研究科博士後期課程保健学専攻修了
Professional career (2):
  • 修士(保健学) (神戸大学)
  • 博士(保健学) (神戸大学)
Work history (1):
  • Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Sciences Department of Medical Technology
Association Membership(s) (6):
日本機能性食品医用学会 ,  日本臨床衛生検査技師会 ,  日本外科代謝栄養学会 ,  日本栄養・食糧学会 ,  日本静脈経腸栄養学会 ,  日本食品安全協会
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