J-GLOBAL ID:200901066386262836
Update date: Dec. 14, 2003
Ishimura Mitsuhiro
イシムラ ミツヒロ | Ishimura Mitsuhiro
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 火山災害に伴う土地利用変化
- 周辺地域の農業構造
- Changes of Land use for volcanic
- Agricultural structure in marginal rigion
MISC (17):
薩南諸島の地域性と甘蔗作. 人文学科論集(鹿児島大学法文学部紀要). 2003. 57, 75-88
鹿児島市都市圏における居住地選択の変化. 人文学科論集(鹿児島大学法文学部紀要). 2002. 55, 39-56
Changes in Residential Choice in the Kagoshima City Area. Cultural Science Report of Kagoshima University. 2002. 55, 39-56
離島の農業経営構造と地域性. 人文科学論集(鹿児島大学法文学部紀要). 1994. 40. 33-46
The Structure of Farm Management and Its Locality in Satsunan Islands. Cultural Science Reports of Kagoshima University. 1994. 40. 33-46
Works (1):
Parttime farmhoushold in a traditional community nearsuva City
1982 -
Education (4):
- - 1978 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science
- - 1978 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- - 1968 Kagoshima University
- - 1968 Kagoshima University Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science (Humanities)
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Association Membership(s) (2):
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