J-GLOBAL ID:200901066833310711
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024
Tasaka Toshio
タサカ トシオ | Tasaka Toshio
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Economic policy
Research keywords (1):
Asia Economics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
MISC (32):
タイ内帑局とラーチャダムヌーン道路開発. アジア研究. 2001. 47. 4. 63-85
バーンラムプー地域と都市化. 季刊経済研究. 2001. 24. 1. 1-26
The Privy Purse Bureau and the Development of Ratchadamnoen Road in Thailand. AZIA KENKYU. 2001. 47. 4. 63-85
The Banglamphu District:A Portrait of Bangkok Urbanization in the early part of 20th century. Kikan Keizai Kenkyu. 2001. 24. 1. 1-26
バンコク地域史研究の試み. 季刊経済研究. 2000. 23. 3. 57-70
Books (17):
日本評論社 2003
アジアの大都市 (1)バンコク
日本評論社 1998
The Mega-Cities of Asia : Bangkok
Nippon Hyoron Sha 1998
御茶の水書房 1996
Barth Economy and Financial Liberalization
Ochanomizu-Shobo 1996
Works (11):
Financial Market in Thailand
1994 -
A Survey of Urban Problems in Bangkok
1992 - 1993
Urban-Environment Problems in Primate City Bangkok, Thailand
1993 -
Labor and Life of Migration in Bangkok
1991 -
A Survey of Eucalyptus Plantation and Enclosure Movement
1990 -
Education (4):
- - 1977 Ritsumeikan University Graduate School of Economics
- - 1977 Ritsumeikan University Graduate School, Division of Economics
- - 1970 Osaka University of Foreign Studies
- - 1970 Osaka University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Arts and Letters
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- 1994 - Osaka City University
Committee career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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