Research field (2):
Science education
, Marine/Aquatic life sciences
Research keywords (3):
, Cephalopod fisheries
, Cephalopod ecology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2004 - 2006 Investigation of the distribution, abundance and early life history of gonatid squid paralarvae in the North Pacific
2000 - 2002 スルメイカ幼生の海水中のアミノ酸吸収を含む初期餌料の解明
Papers (21):
Ryusei Ohtani, Jun Yamamoto, Takashi Yanagimoto, Kohsuke Adachi, John R Bower, Hidefumi A Fujioka, Miyuki Hirose, Mitsuhiro Nakaya, Satoshi Suzuki, Shun Tokioka. Genetic evidence for multiple mating and mixing of sperm from multiple males in the seminal receptacles of female Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 2022. 88. 3
Jun Yamamoto, Kohsuke Adachi, John R. Bower, Hajime Matsui, Mitsuhiro Nakaya, Ryusei Ohtani, Pandey Puneeta, Satoshi Suzuki, Shun Tokioka, Dharmamony Vijai, et al. Close-up observations on the spawning behavior of a captive Japanese flying squid (Todarodes pacificus). Scientific reports. 2019. 9. 19739
J.R. Bower. Japan launches a new, state-of-the-art training ship - the Oshoro Maru V. PICES Press. 2015. 23. 1. 21-23
Katsutoshi Arai, Junichiro Okamoto, Nobuo Kimura, Yasuaki Takagi, Kunihiko Konno, John Bower, Virgilia Sulit. JSPS Asia-Africa Science Platform Program: Brief summaryu of first year activities. Fish for the People. 2012. 10. 2. 42-47