J-GLOBAL ID:200901067016336187
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
, Sociology
, Business administration
Research keywords (9):
Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
, Cross-cultural Management
, Critical Management
, Organizational Discourse
, Organizational Communication
, 交渉
, 異文化経営
, クリティカル・マネジメント
, 組織コミュニケーション
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2003 - 2005 組織の社会的信頼を高めるコミュニケーション・マネージメント
Papers (10):
増田靖, 清宮徹, 林成光. A Study on Organizing 'Collaborative Assistance' under the Crisis Situation : From Perspectives of Social Constructionism, Institutional Theory and Japanese Traditional Discourse. 政策科学学会年報. 2014. 97-109
Collaborative Organizational Communication and Its Impact on Ethical Dilemmas: The Dark Side of Tacit Knowledge in Japanese Management. International Studies of Management & Organization. 2012. 42. 3. 51-70
Communication Perspectives and Strategies to Improve Corporate Reputation: Lessons from Cases of Japanese Business Misconduct. 西南学院大学英語英文学論集. 2011. 51. 2. 115-142
Corporate Hegemony in Japanese Collaborative Management: A Case Study of Corporate Misconduct in Japan. 西南学院大学英語英文学論集. 2011. 51. 1. 113-135
阪本縁, マルコム英子, 橋本芽衣. 協調的労使関係の社会的構成:中小企業における労使間コミュニケーションと知の実践. 経営情報学会誌. 2010. 18. 3. 251-269
MISC (10):
The role of community leadership in disaster recovery projects: Tsunami lessons from Japan. International Journal of Project Management. 2016
森田真. 組織ディスコースとしての企業のレトリック. ハンドブック組織ディスコース研究. 2012. 125-162
組織ディスコース-研究領域の探究. ハンドブック組織ディスコース研究. 2012. 1-60
Organizational Identity in Communication Risks: Studies of Japanese Corporate Misconduct. Studies in English Language and Literature. 2010. 50. 1・2・3合併. 153-185
Kiyomiya Toru. Subculture Assessment in Japanese Multinational Organizations. Studies in English Language and Literature. 2005. 46. 1・2合併. 149-190-190
Books (12):
Methodology in Organization Studies
Gakubundo 2020 ISBN:9784762029042
Organizational Communication
学文社 2019
学文社 2019
Discourse and Communication in Organizations
Dobunkan Shuppan 2019 ISBN:9784495390242
Health Communication and Organizations, Understanding of Health Communication
ミネルバ書店 2016
Lectures and oral presentations (34):
Discourse Perspective and Organizing:Dynamics of Interdiscursivity
(2016年度組織学会年次大会 2015)
(経営情報学会2015年秋季全国研究発表大会 2015)
(日本経営学会第89回大会 2015)
Taking Management Research beyond Critique: An experiential drama workshop on cultural animation
(9th International Conference in Critical Management Studies 2015)
Collaboration and Power of Discourse in a Crisis
(The 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 2014)
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D. (Michigan State University)
- 学術博士 (ミシガン州立大学)
Committee career (7):
Association Membership(s) (8):
Taos Institute
, 日本経営学会
, 日本労務学会
, European Group of Organizational Studies
, 組織学会
, Academy of Management
, 日本社会学会
, 日本コミュニケーション研究者会議
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