J-GLOBAL ID:200901067018676783
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Nakazato Satoshi
ナカザト サトシ | Nakazato Satoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (2):
Religious studies
, Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (2):
, Ideal history
Research theme for competitive and other funds (17):
- 2017 - 2021 The Principles of Conflicts in religious Philosophies in Northern Europe and the other Northern Areas -the ideal historical Dynamism of Revenge, Innocence and Coexistence
- 2013 - 2015 日本における先祖観の研究-古来の先祖観とその変容-
- 2009 - 2012 北方宗教哲学の共生原理と「神」概念-北方少数先住民族とキリスト教-
- 2007 - 2009 死の物語研究-文学、哲学、ライフヒストリー、ナラティヴ・アプローチ-
- 2005 - 2006 「共生学」の構築
- 2004 - 2006 日本における死への準備教育-死への実存的把握をめざして-
- 2004 - 2006 ノルウェー初期木造教会建築にあらわれるキリスト教と土俗信仰の関係
- 2002 - 2005 大学教育としての哲学教育。その理念と実践。
- 2002 - 2003 葬制・墓制にみる日本の死生観
- 2000 - 2003 東洋思想における心身観
- 2000 - 2001 日本における死の受容-文学・仏教・キリスト教信仰にみる看取りの様態-
- 2000 - 2000 北欧精神史における聖性と癒し-初期木造教会とケア思想-
- 1998 - 2000 北欧精神史-ヨーロッパにおける大地母神信仰の歴史的変容と現在-
- 1997 - 1997 北欧における古層意識の変容と精神史
- 1991 - 1992 宗教哲学研究
- 1980 - 北欧精神史と福祉哲学
- 1980 - Nordic Ideal history & Welfare philosophy
Show all
Papers (84):
NAKAZATO Satoshi. S. Kierkegaard and Orthodox Christianity : Especially about Spirituality(Section 2,Research Reports,THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES). Journal of religious studies. 2016. 89. 189-190
NAKAZATO Satoshi. from the Modern Situation of knowlege to Conception of 'Holy Foolness'. 2015. 52. 1-16
NAKAZATO Satoshi. The Faith of Avvakum Petrovichi and the Weakness of the Indigenous Religions in the Modern Times -the Modern Rationality of the Northern Nordic Ideal History and the Thought Process of the Critiques for Modern Society-. 2015. 49. 31-47
NAKAZATO Satoshi. SUZUKI Yusuke, The Faith and Philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard. Journal of religious studies. 2015. 89. 3. 621-625
NAKAZATO Satoshi. Kierkegaard's Thought and the Holy Fool : Searching for a Clue to a Concept of the Single Individual(Section 3,THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTY-THIRD ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE JAPANESE ASSOCIATION FOR RELIGIOUS STUDIES). Journal of religious studies. 2015. 88. 233-234
MISC (13):
The Idea and the current of Ideal History in Northern Europe. Risou. 2003. 670. 2-13
Introduction to the Method of Ideal History in Northern Europe. Hakusan philosophy. 2003. 37. 75-103
The Concept and the Metamorphosis of Care. Oriental Study. 2003. 40. 37-44
Kierkegaard's Thoughts and the Outlaw-Traditions. Oriental Study. 2002. Vol. 39, (1)-(11)
Ideal history of the Healing and Modernage. Hakusan Philosophy. 2002. Vol. 36, pp. 91-107
Books (19):
明石書店 2014 ISBN:9784750340470
新版増補 生命倫理事典
太陽出版 2010
新版増補 生命倫理事典(共編)
太陽出版 2010
International Reception Tome III: The Near East, Asia Australia and The Americas
<Kierkegaard Reasearch: Sources, Reception and Resouces, Volume 8>, Ashgate 2009
International Reception Tome III: The Near East, Asia Australia and The Americas, <Kierkegaard Reasearch: Sources, Reception and Resouces, Volume 8>,Jon Stewart et.al.
Ashgate 2008
Lectures and oral presentations (54):
(東洋大学エクステンション課 公開講座 2014)
Kierkegaard and Holy Foolness
Kierkegaard and Cristien orthodoxy
Rules of Vikings in Northern Europe ancient times and Trade on Middle Ages
(Toyo University extension section Open class 2013)
Orthodox Cristianity and Kierkegaad
(Japanese Association for Relligious stadies 2013)
Works (58):
「死の物語研究-文学、哲学、ライフヒストリー、ナラティヴ・アプローチ-」 東洋大学東洋学研究所プロジェクト
2007 - 2010
2009 -
(講演)「死の物語と霊の存在-佐藤愛子を題材として-」 公開シンポジウム「死の物語と想像力」のパネリストとして 平成20年度東洋大学東洋学研究所「死の物語研究」(研究代表:竹内清己)の活動として
2009 -
2009 -
北海道立北方民俗博物館調査 科学研究費基盤研究(C)「北方宗教哲学の共生原理と「神」概念」における調査
2009 -
Education (4):
- - 1983 Toyo University Graduate School,Department of Literature
- - 1983 Toyo University Literature Course Philosophy
- - 1978 Seikei University Faculty of Humanities
- - 1978 Seikei University Faculty of Literature Culture
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Literature (Toyo University)
Work history (3):
- 2002 - - 東洋大学文学部 教授
- 2002 - - Toyo University, Faculty of Literature,
- Professor
Committee career (2):
- 2000 - 2002 日本臨床死生学会 理事
- 2000 - 2002 The climical Thanatology in Japan Trustee
Awards (2):
- 1994 - 日本宗教学会賞
- 1994 - Prize of The Religions science society in Japan
Association Membership(s) (2):
, The climical Thanatology in Japan
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