J-GLOBAL ID:200901067166433482   Update date: Aug. 28, 2024

Miyajima Hidemitsu

ミヤジマ ヒデミツ | Miyajima Hidemitsu
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Professor
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2010 - 2012 Study on Transition of a Family and the Community from Changing thePractice of Burial
  • 1991 - 1991 1980年代の西ドイツにおける「教育人間学」の展開と今後の展望に関する研究
  • 1989 - 1990 Joint Studies on Aging and Death : With Special Regard to the Theoretical Foundation of Life-Long Education
Papers (30):
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima. The New Humanism and the Wilhelm Humboldt's Anthropology; Study on W. v. Humboldt's Anthropology(III). Human Studies;Meijo University. 2022. 20. 45-64
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima. The anthropology-criticism in Luhmann's theory of social systems:Study on W.v.Humboldt's anthropology(2). 2020. 18. 15-37
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima. Continuity and change : facing the Beginning of "a special subject: moral education". 2017. 2頁-3頁
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima. The Background and Future Problem of the Introduction of "a special subject : moral education" in Elementary and Junior High School(2): Focusing on the Viewpoint of Citizenship Education. Human Studies. 2017. 14巻. 14. 21頁-35頁
  • Hidemitsu MIYAJIMA. The Background and Future Problems of Introduction of "a Special Subject:Moral Education" in Elementary and Junior High School(1):Two Tendencies included in the Report of the Central Council for Education of October ,2014. Human Studies (Meijo University). 2016. 13号. 33-54
MISC (10):
  • 宮嶋秀光. 書評:田沼茂紀 編『道徳は本当に教えられるのかー未来から考える道徳教育への12の提言-』. 道徳と教育(日本道徳教育学会). 2024. 343. 92-93
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima. The Introduction of the Concept "Agency" in Education: From the Viewpoint of the Possibilities for EducationalReform in Japan. Meijo University/ Human Studies. 2023. 21. 41-57
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima. From theory to practice : Three years of Aichi branch. 2019. 第57号
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima and seven others. A basic subject : study of contemporary society :five years efforts. 2018. 1頁-78頁
  • Hidemitsu Miyajima and two others. The practice and results of "a basic subject:study of contemporary society":two-year attempts at the faculty of human studies. 2017. 11号. 29頁-43頁
Books (11):
  • 諸外国の道徳教育の動向と展望(振動と区教育全集 第2巻)
    学文社 2021
  • ランゲフェルト教育学との対話-「子どもの人間学」への応答-
    玉川大学出版部 2011
  • 道徳教育
    学文社 2007
  • 教育学への誘い
    ナカニシヤ書店 2004
  • 道徳教育論-対話による対話への教育-
    ナカニシヤ書店 2003
Lectures and oral presentations  (14):
  • Ancient ethics and modern ethics : What is the morality of school education?
  • The curriculum organization and the educational evaluation according to the moral development
  • 道徳教育における教育評価
    (尾張旭市教育委員会スーパーバイザー事業研修会 2015)
  • 学生の主体的な学びを育むアクティブ・ラーニング -名城大学人間学部『現代に生きる』の実践-
    (日本私立大学協会 平成27年度大学教務部課長相当者研修会 2015)
  • 学習指導要領の一部改訂と道徳的実践力の育成
    (尾張旭市教育委員会スーパーバイザー事業研修会 2015)
Professional career (1):
  • 教育学修士
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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