J-GLOBAL ID:200901067346338321
Update date: Sep. 25, 2022
Sakamoto Toshiko
サカモト トシコ | Sakamoto Toshiko
Research keywords (1):
Cross-Cultural Studies, Postcolonial, race, gender, sexuality, identity representation, discourse
Papers (20):
Sakamoto Toshiko. The Women's Movement and Civil Society in the Transitional Process to Democracy in South Africa. Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2015. 51. 2. 57-71-57
Toshiko Sakamoto. The Women's Movement and Civil Society in the Transitional Process to Democracy in South Africa (1). Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2015. 51. 1. 255-271-271
Sakamoto Toshiko. What are students learning from intercultural education classes?: Aiming to achieve intercultural competence for multicultural society. Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture. 2013. 24. 3. 143-157
Toshiko Sakamoto. The South African Reconciliation Commission and Women's Testimonies. Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture. 2011. 23. 2. 83-92
Toshiko Sakamoto. Neighbourhood renewal in a multiethnic and multicultural community in London: The Paddington Development Trust and local partnerships in North Westminster (2). Ritsumeikan Social Sciences Review. 2008. 44. 2. 47-65-65
Books (5):
Gakubunsha 2017 ISBN:9784762027086
第三書館 2016 ISBN:9784807416059
明石書店 2006 ISBN:4750323314
「過去からのスナップ写真:新しい未来を築くために、過去の痛みを認めること」(Meer, Shamim, “Snapshots from the past: owning past pain to build a new future”
大阪外国語大学 グローバル・ダイアログ研究会 2005
Your World: Global Issues for English Learners
Pacific Interactive Press 2002 ISBN:4882720361
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
Inter-cultural co-learning: Challenges in the Japanese context
(東北大学国際共修プロジェクト研究会 2016)
Cross-cultural peer learning on campus: Lessons from Australia and Japan
(European Associaton of International Education, Annual Conference 2015)
South Africa's Transition to Democracy in Nadine Gordimer's No Time Like The Present.
(African Literature Association 41st Annual Conference 2015)
Strategy for promoting integration on campus: Networking for institutional commitment
(The 9th University Administrators' Workshop 2014)
Establishing pedagogies for facilitating integration between international and domestic students
(Japan Association for International Student Education 18th Annual Conference 2013)
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. in Literature (School of Oriental and African Studies)
Awards (2):
- 2015/09 - Japan Student Support Organization EAIE2015 JAFSA推奨セッション
- 2005/07 - 2004年度立命館大学先進的教育実践賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
Japan Association for African Studies
, The English Literary Society of Japan
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