Research theme for competitive and other funds (18):
2003 - 2004 Measurement of production cross sections for high energy proton reaction with Hg, Pb, Bi targets used as spallation neutron source
2002 - 2004 Development of the evaluation method of radioactivity in materials obtained from garious accelerator facilities
2002 - 2003 Free volume in a thin film of epoxy resine coated on a metal base studied by positron annihilation
2002 - 2003 Deep penetration and activation studies using the high energy neutron field
2000 - 2002 A Pulsed Slow Positron Beam Apparatus and its Application to Thin Polymer Films
2000 - 2001 Production Cross-Sections by Nuclear Reaction with High Energy Proton
2000 - 2001 Study on basic characteristics of hollow filament polyimide membrane in tritium separation and its application to tritium monitors
1999 - 2000 Study on the light breaching effect on positron annihilation
1998 - 1999 The relation between free volume and relaxation behavior studied by positron annihilation
1997 - 1999 Research and development on the pulsed slow positron beam to analyze surface of polymer
1995 - 1996 Design Study of Multi-Purpose Beam Line
1994 - 1995 Free Volumes of Ploymers Studied by Positron Annihilation
1994 - 1995 Development of Mineral insulation Cable
1994 - 1995 Study of High-Energy Nuclear-Beam Transport
1994 - 1994 高エネルギー核ビーム輸送の研究
1992 - 1993 Development of integrated Radiation Dosimeters using Organic Polymer Films
1991 - 1992 Radiation damage of polymers studied by positron annihilation
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Papers (30):
Masayuki Hagiwara, Kiwamu Saito, Masaharu Numajiri, Kazutoshi Takahashi, Jun-ichi Kitagawa, Hiroshi Matsumura, Toshiya Sanami, Taichi Miura, Kazuyoshi Masumoto, Masaharu Ieiri, et al. Investigation on Radionuclides Released in the Radioactive Material Leak Incident at the J-PARC Hadron Experimental Facility. JPS Conference Proceedings. 2015. 8. 051007
H. Matsumura, T. Miura, A. Toyoda, N. Matsuda, M. Numajiri, H. Nakashima, K. Masumoto, T. Suzuki, K. Saito. Detailed spatial measurements and Monte Carlo analysis of the transportation phenomena of thermal and epithermal neutrons from the 12-GeV proton transport line to an access maze. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2008. 266. 16. 3647-3655
Hirohi Nakashima, Tokushi Shibata, Yoshihiro Nakane, Fumihiro Masukawa, Norihiro Matsuda, Yosuke Iwamoto, Hideo Hirayama, Takenori Suzuki, Taichi Miura, Masaharu Numajiri, et al. Radiation shielding study for the J-PARC project. American Nuclear Society's 14th Biennial Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division. 2006. 2006. 267-282
N Nakao, H Yashima, M Kawai, K Oishi, H Nakashima, K Masumoto, H Matsumura, S Sasaki, M Numajiri, T Sanami, et al. Arrangement of high-energy neutron irradiation field and shielding experiment using 4 m concrete at KENS. RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY. 2005. 116. 1-4. 553-557
H Ohnishi, K Yoshimura, T Nakamoto, A Yamamoto, Y Ajima, M Aoki, N Fukasawa, K Ishibashi, Y Kuno, T Miura, et al. Measurement of radiation heating induced by secondary particles from 12-GeV primary proton-beam interactions. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. 2005. 545. 1-2. 88-96
加藤小織, 春日井好己, 西藤文博, 増川史洋, 沼尻正晴, 中村一, 山崎寛仁, 齋藤究, 藤原一哉. Radiation Safety training video in English for J-PARC Users. 日本放射線安全管理学会学術大会講演予稿集. 2019. 18th (CD-ROM)
飛田暢, 沼尻正晴, 西川功一, 沼里一也, 大谷友一, 春日井好己, 齋藤究, 中根佳弘, 柴山実, 和田光二, et al. Annual Report on the Acchivichies of Safety in J-PARC, FY2016. 日本原子力研究開発機構JAEA-Review(Web). 2018. 2017-033. WEB ONLY
M. Numajiri. Evaluation of the radioactivity of the pre-dominant gamma emitters in components used at high-energy proton accelerator facilities. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 2007. 123. 4. 417-425