Research field (2):
Basic nursing
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
Research keywords (3):
, Occupational Health
, 産業衛生学,人間工学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2011 - 2013 便器正面設置型手すりを用いたトイレ移乗動作の有効性の人間工学的検証
1993 - 1995 Development of Medical Image Transfer System among Hospitals and Clinics
1990 - 1992 Basic study for establishment of usefulness of a new inbred rat strain THA in brain science
Papers (93):
Hiromi IMAI, Tamiyo ASAGA, Takako SAKASHITA, Mari ENOMOTO, Kaoru SHIGENO, Takeshi KOBAYASHI, Ayumi KIMURA, Hiroyuki SAKAMAKI, Tetsuo MISAWA. Study on development of educational materials for acquisition of brushing-assisting technique. Journal of Ergonomics in Occupational Safety and Health. 2020. 21. 1. 1-10
Tetsuo Misawa. The Rokes of Ergonomics in Nursing Education. 2022. 3. 5-9
Working methods and fatigue. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY & HEALTH. 2020. 71. 12. 25-29
The Effects of Subjective Fatigue and Mental Workload on Menstrual Cycle. 2016. 18. 50-53
三澤 哲夫. 産業保健看護職が目指すべき職場環境改善・快適職場づくりとは (知識と技を磨く特集 すべて見せます! 今日から使える職場環境改善のコツとワザ 業績も健康度もぐんと上がる!). 産業保健と看護 = The Japanese journal of occupational health and occupational health nursing : 働く人々の健康を守る産業看護職とすべてのスタッフのために. 2016. 8. 4. 340-343
Experimental study of use the support aids and new nursing methods in nursing care work. Journal of ergonomics in occupational safety and health. 2009. 11. 8-11
Experimental study on a difference of the transfer method and work load in nursing care work
(2nd East Asian Ergonomics Federation Symposium (EAEFS 2011) 2011)