Research field (3):
Applied physics - general
, Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (2):
, Elementary Particle
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
2000 - 2004 超過熱液体の核沸騰の理論
Perturbation Effects on Lifetime of Excited States of Simple Molecules
A Theoretical Consideration of the Fluctuation Nucleation Boiling Phenomenon for a Droplet Impinging on the Heating Solid Surface. The proc. of the 37th Tohoku Branch General Meeting. No021-1-162-163. 2002. 021-1. 162-163
A Study on the Fluctuation Nucleation Boiling for a Droplet Impinging on the Heating Solid Surface. The proceeding of the 37the Tohoku branch general meeting. No021-1, 160-161. 2002. 021-1. 160-161
Study on geometrization of physical quantities (]G0002[). Proceedings of the 35th Symposium on Finsler Geometry. 2001. 27-29