J-GLOBAL ID:200901069497878290
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Yoshinaka Atsushi
ヨシナカ アツシ | Yoshinaka Atsushi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (1):
Educational psychology
Research keywords (2):
, Education psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
Papers (13):
吉崎聡子, 福島裕敏, 朝山奈津子, 桐村豪文, 櫻田安志, 山本逸郎, 山本稔, 吉中淳. 教員養成カリキュラムの効果検証-IRデータベースをもとに-. 日本教育大学協会研究年報. 2020. 38. 165-177
Various phases of continuity in socialization from student to new graduate teacher: with special reference to the experiences under teacher education program. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education Hirosaki University. 2018. 120. 149-158
Personal experiences from teacher education program and occupational socialization of new graduate teacher: Through follow-up PAC analysis. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education Hirosaki University. 2017. 117. 117. 109-120
The relations between identity status and career maturity of university students. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education Hirosaki University. 2016. 116. 2. 67-75
Examination of effects of initial teacher education curriculum reform -focusing on transformation of undergraduate students in the four-year program-. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education Hirosaki University. 2015. 113
MISC (17):
Books (9):
建帛社 2019 ISBN:9784767950921
公認心理師の基礎と実践12 発達心理学
遠見書房 2018
事例で学ぶ生徒指導・進路指導・教育相談 中学校・高等学校編
遠見書房 2014
事例で学ぶ生徒指導・進路指導・教育相談 小学校編
遠見書房 2014
金子書房 2012 ISBN:9784760894338
Works (6):
2001 -
Research on vocational cognition of junior and senior high school students
2001 -
2000 -
Differences on the View of Development
2000 -
1995 -
Education (4):
- - 2000 Tohoku University
- - 2000 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Education
- - 1991 Tohoku University Faculty of Education
- - 1991 Tohoku University Faculty of Education
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本キャリア教育学会
, 日本発達心理学会
, 日本教育心理学会
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