Implantation of Steroidogenic Cells Derived from Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells Extends Survival in a Mouse Model of Adrenal Insufficiency
(ENDO2022 2022)
CX-4945 as a Potential Drug for Adrenocortical Carcinoma That Induces Multiple Exon-Skipping and Circular RNA of NR5A1
(ENDO2019 2019)
Steroid Complement by the Transplantation of SF-1/Ad4BP-induced Steroidogenic Cells in Mice with Adrenal Insufficiency
(ENDO2016 2016)
Expansion of Transplanted Islets by Co-transplantaion of Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem cells in Mice
(American Diabetes Association 74th Scientific Sessions 2014)
Steroidogenic cells regenerated from mesenchymal stem cells
(14th International Congress of Endocrinology, Official Satellite Symposia 2010)