Research field (3):
Education - general
, Social psychology
, Library/information science, humanistic/social informatics
Research keywords (6):
, 幼・児童の読書心理学
, 図書館文化史
, Information Literacy Education
, Psychology of Reading for Young Children
, Study of Library and Information History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
Study of Bunko Activities and Child Development
Information Literacy through School Library
Library Activities at Ryukyuan -American Cultural Center
Library personnel: their requirements and qualification in the U.S. 2010. 90巻. 1号. 49-69
漢那 憲治, 中島 幸子, 大城 善盛. ALAの図書館情報学教育認定基準2008年版に関する考察--1992年版の改定と課題を中心に(A study of standards for accreditation of master's programs in library & information studies, 2008: the updating process from 1992 and current problems). 同志社大学図書館学年報. 2010. 36. 21-50