Research field (3):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
, Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
, Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
Research keywords (4):
, 1半導体
, 物性II
, 素粒子物理学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (21):
2021 - 2025 Study of the correction term for the Fermi golden rule using multi-methods
2012 - 2017 interference and diffraction of neutrino and the neutrino mass
2007 - 2009 analysis of moon using solar neutrino
2004 - 2009 Super symmetric gague theory and physics of precision experiments
2004 - 2009 Discoveries of Higgs Particle and Supersymmetry to Pioneer the Particle Physics in the 21st Century
2001 - 2006 quantum field theory in particle physics and condensed mater physics
2001 - 2006 Research of Dynamics in Superstring Theories and Field Theories
1997 - 2001 Phase of quantum field theory and CP violation
1998 - 2000 Low dimensional Field theory
1995 - 1997 Field theory of quantum Hall effects
1995 - 1997 Dynamical Symmetry Breaking and Unified Theory
1995 - 1996 Application of Field theory to Quantum Gravity and Condensed matter physiss
1995 - 1995 場の理論におけるトポロジー的不変量
1991 - 1993 Theorles of Superconductivity and Quantum Hall Effect Via Chem-Simons Gauge Theory.
1992 - 1992 2次元トポロジカル凝縮系の数値的解法
1990 - 1992 Research of Superstring
1990 - 1990 格子上の場の理論の数値シミュレ-ションによる研究
1989 - 1989 時空3次元格子ゲージ理論における対称性の破れと超伝導の研究
1987 - 1989 Models of Elementary Particles and Gauge Theory
1988 - 1988 時空3次元格子ゲージ理論における対称性の破れと超伝導の研究
1986 - 1988 場の理論における低エネルギー定理とその応用についての研究
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Papers (15):
Risa Ushioda,Osamu Jinnouchi,Kenzo Ishikawa,Terry Sloan. Search for the correction term to Fermi's golden ruli in positron annihilation. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. 2020. 2020. 04. 043C01-043C09
Tsuda Kazumi, Maeda Nobuki, Ishikawa Kenzo. 18aTA-4 Phase transition of anisotropic Hall states due to finite electric currents. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2007. 62. 1. 656-656
Ishizuka Y., Aoyama T., Maeda N., Ishikawa K. 14aYB-8 Electromagnetic wave absorption of a striped Hall gas. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2004. 59. 2. 613-613