J-GLOBAL ID:200901071352547223
Update date: Sep. 28, 2022
Sakai Seigo
Sakai Seigo
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (3):
Environmental impact assessment
, Fluid engineering
, Thermal engineering
Research keywords (2):
Combined Heat Transfer Analysis
, Radiative Heat Transfer
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2015 - 2018 高温水蒸気を用いた伝熱促進機構のシステム構築と高効率化
- 2012 - 2015 高温水蒸気を用いた伝熱促進機構の構築とその解明
- 2011 - 2012 高温水蒸気を用いた高効率小型溶融炉の試作開発
- 2009 - 2010 高温水蒸気を媒体とした高効率溶解炉の開発に向けた、ふく射・対流複合伝熱解析
- 2009 - 2010 高温水蒸気を媒体とした高効率溶解炉の開発に向けた、ふく射・対流複合伝熱解析
- 2008 - 2009 有機物分解セラミック生成装置(ERCM)の分解理論の解明
- 2006 - 2008 都市空間のふく射伝熱環境における温室効果ガスおよび微粒子の影響評価
- 2003 - 2005 火災旋風及び火災消火時の熱遮断に対するふく射・対流複合伝熱の数値解析
- Radiative effect of particle scattering by water droplets on fire extinction
- Heat and Mass Transfer due to Natural Convection in Complicated Systems
- Study on Radiative Heat Transfer
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Papers (123):
Hikari Tsuzuki, Seigo Sakai. Evaluation of Mixing Performance and Proposal of Mixing Method in High Viscous Fluid in Horizontal Disc Mixer with Fillet Shape. Proceedings of Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (HKICEAS 2018). 2018
Hikari Tsuzuki, Seigo Sakai. Development of the horizontal swirl mixer with a fillet shape. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018. 125. 129-142
Seigo Sakai, Takeru Naito. Speeding Up of View Factor Derivation Using Graphic Processing Unit. ISCEAS-0144. 2018. 212-222
Seigo Sakai. Evaluation of Liquid Water Content in Thermal Efficient Heating Mechanism Using Water Vapor for Industrial Furnace. Proceedings of Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences. 2017. 271-277
酒井 清吾. Proposal of Thermal Efficient Heating Mechanism Using Water Vapor for Industrial Furnace. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS 2015). 2015. ISCEAS-728, 391-398
MISC (7):
宇高義郎, 大久保英敏, 荒木拓人, 酒井清吾, 浅岡龍徳, 津島将司. 日本伝熱学会創立50周年記念伝熱セミナーの報告. 伝熱. 2012. 51. 214. 16-20
The 14th International Heat Transfer Conference Reviews Combustion. Journal of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan. 2010. 49. 209. 20-21
遠き日の思い出から現在,未来へ 「情報があふれる時代の中で」. ファミリス,社団法人静岡県出版文化会. 2005. 12. 11. 10-11
遠き日の思い出から現在,未来へ 「奉仕作業を通して」. ファミリス,社団法人静岡県出版文化会. 2005. 12. 10. 10-11
遠き日の思い出から現在,未来へ 「1日をふり返ること」. ファミリス,社団法人静岡県出版文化会. 2005. 12. 9. 10-11
Patents (3):
Books (2):
Earthquake Engineering - From Engineering Seismology to Optimal Seismic Design of Engineering Structures, Chapter 14, “Effect Evaluation of Radiative Heat Transfer and Horizontal Wind on Fire Whirlwind”
InTech 2015
Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering - Soil Liquefaction and Seismic Safety of Dams and Monuments, Chapter 15, “Numerical Prediction of Fire Whirlwind Outbreak and Scale Effect of Whirlwind Behavior”
InTech 2012
Lectures and oral presentations (34):
Evaluation of Radiative Heat Transfer Effect on Fire Whirlwind
(International Journal of Aerospace and Lightweight Structures 2013)
(第49回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2012)
(第48回日本伝熱シンポジウム 2011)
Pyrolysis of Organic Compounds Using Incomplete Combustion on Ceramics Bed
(the 14th International Heat Transfer Conference (IHTC-14) 2010)
(平成22年度KAST研究報告会 2010)
Education (3):
- - 1998 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science
- - 1995 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science
- - 1993 Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professional career (3):
- Doctor of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
- Master of Engineering (The University of Tokyo)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Shizuoka University)
Work history (6):
- 2007/04 - 現在 Associate Professor, Department of Systems Design, Division of Systems Research, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
- 2005/11 - 2007/03 Associate Professor, Department of Systems Design, Division of Systems Research, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
- 2004/04 - 2005/10 Lecturer, Department of Systems Design, Division of Systems Research, Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National University
- 2000/04 - 2004/03 Research Associate, Heat Transfer Control Laboratiry, Advanced Flow Division, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University
- 1999/04 - 2000/03 Researcher, Plasma Processing and Simulation Section, Advanced Material Research Department, Kanto Technical Institute, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
- 1998/04 - 1999/03 Researcher, Nuclear Basic Technology Research Department, Kanto Technical Institute, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
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Awards (2):
- 2002/08 - 2002 International SFT (Société Francaise de Thermique) Award, 12th International Heat Transfer Conference
- 1993/03 - 日本機械学会畠山賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本流体力学会
, 日本伝熱学会
, 日本機械学会
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