J-GLOBAL ID:200901071831544115   Update date: Sep. 20, 2013

Shiotsu Yohko

シオツ ヨウコ | Shiotsu Yohko
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Research field  (1): History - Japan
Research keywords  (2): 日本洋楽史 ,  History of Western music in Japan
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2009 - 2013 ピアノ受容史
  • 関西洋楽文化史
  • Historical sketches of Western music activities in the Kansai area
Papers (3):
  • SHIOTSU Yohko. Piano Performances in Meiji-Era Kobe. Music Research , Museum of the Osaka College of Music. 2012. 27. 1-16
  • SHIOTSU Yohko. Affairs of Reed Organ in Nara in the Meiji era. Reed Organ Research. 2012. 7. 11-17
  • SHIOTSU Yohko. Activities of "The Piano Dohkohkai". Music Research , Museum of the Osaka College of Music. 2009. 25. 1-14
MISC (31):
  • 明治期関西ヴァイオリン事情. 大阪音楽大学音楽博物館年報「音楽研究」. 2004. 20. 11-38
  • Affairs of Violin in Kansai in the Meiji era. Music Research, Museum of the Osaka College of Music. 2004. 20. 11-38
  • 「音楽文化の動向に関する調査」報告. 大阪音楽大学 音楽研究所・楽器博物館年報「音楽研究」. 2002. 18, 23-64
  • Report A Survey on Trends in Music Culture. Music Research, Osaka College of Music. 2002. 18, 23-64
  • 関西での"浅草オペラ"その1公演記録. 大阪音楽大学音楽研究所・楽器博物館年報「音楽研究」. 2001. 17. 5-34
Works (2):
  • 研究講演『再現演奏会「大正デモクラシー」』
    1999 -
  • Rerseach Performance "Reenactment Conecert (A Taisho Period Democracy)"
Association Membership(s) (2):
民族芸術学会 ,  日本音楽学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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