Ayako Hayashi, Satoko Takeda. Case studies about diet of university students who participated in outdoor field classes: In relationships with outdoor activities and conditions of students. Research Journal of Sport Performance. 2021. 13. 337-357
Ayako HAYASHI, Masahiro HORIMATSU. How to have fun in the outdoors under the pandemic of the Covid-19. 2021. 18. 127-134
Aya Hayashi, Brent J. Bell, Sean Harrington, Tomohiro Miyamoto. Exploring outcomes of outdoor orientation programs: Comparison between the United States and Japan. Proceedings of the 2020 Symposium on Experiential Education Research. 2020. 19-21
Ayako Hayashi, Mai Suizu, Masao Kanamori. Expedition behavior of the Japanese college students during the expedition in the American Rockies. Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College. 2020. 17. 47-62
Aya Hayashi, Satoko Takeda, Mai Suizu. Evaluation of food intake during outdoor education programs and its relationships with energy expenditure and conditions of participants. PROCEEDINGS AND RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM ABSTRACTS OF THE 32nd ASSOCIATION OF OUTDOOR RECREATION AND EDUCATION CONFERENCE. 2018. 69-72
Hayashi, A, Wilson, J. Diversity: An obstacle or an opportunity. In M. Phipps & A. Hayashi (Eds.), Turning purpose into action: The Proceedings of the 2006 National Conference on Outdoor Leadership (February 15-19, 2006. Bradford Woods, IN) (pp.30-37). Bloomington, IN: Wilderness Education Association. 2006. 30-37
Books (13):
Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming Field Handbook
The outdoor orientation program as the initiation for the college life
. New York: Routledge. 2017
東京:杏林書院 2014
Bridging extent theory to OAE research: The example of emotional intelligence,
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics 2013
Case studies about development of ability to learn from experience of new employees who participated in the outdoor corporate training. From the perspective of leadership development theory.
(The 26th Meeting of the Japan Outdoor Education Society 2023)
Invisible Competence : Are you competent to recognize diversity?
(The 11th Outdoor Leadership Conference 2023)
Pursuing the competencies as an outdoor professional.
(The 10th WEAJ & 1st LNTJ conference 2022)
Utilizing the PP(Paul Petzolds) quotes.
(The 10th WEAJ & 1st LNTJ conference 2022)
Implication of the U.S. OOPs models into the different culture: A case of Japanese OOP.
(2021 International conference on Association for Experiential Education 2021)
2000 - 2006 Indiana University Doctoral program in Human Performance Leisure Behavior (Outdor Recreation)
1997 - 2000 University of tsukuba Graduate School Master’s Program、Health and Sport Science Outdoor Pursuits and Education
1994 - 1997 University of Hiroshima School of Education Pedagogy
Professional career (2):
Ph.D. in Human Performance (Leisure Behavior) (Indiana University, US)
修士(体育学) (筑波大学)
Committee career (17):
2022/06 - 現在 Outward Bound Japan Committee member
2021/07 - 現在 Japan Outdoor Education Society Board Member
2019/06 - 現在 Wilderness Education Association Japan 理事兼CCG委員
2017/04 - 現在 滋賀県希望が丘文化公園 理事
2015 - 現在 Outdoorsy Community ~ひらんちゅ~ 代表
2021/06 - 2022/06 Outward Bound Japan councilor
2018/06 - 2019/06 Wilderness Education Association Japan 副代表
2013/06 - 2018/06 Wilderness Education Association Japan 共同代表
2015/04 - 2018/03 学校法人啓明学院 スーパーグローバルハイスクール運営指導委員
2016 - 2016 滋賀県 滋賀県営都市公園の指定管理者選定委員会委員
2010 - 2013 社団法人日本キャンプ協会 調査安全委員
2008 - 2009 社団法人日本キャンプ協会 調査研究委員
2006 - 2008 Wilderness Education Association Curriculum Committee
2006 - 2008 Wilderness Education Association Research Committee
2007 - 2007 社団法人日本キャンプ協会 調査研究委員会キャンプ全国調査プロジェクト委員(
2006 - 2006 Indiana University, USA. 2006 Advisory Committee of the CORE (Conservation and Outdoor Recreation/Education) Program at Indiana University.
2005 - 2006 Wilderness Education Association Co-Editor, Proceedings of the National Conference on Outdoor Leadership
Show all
Awards (7):
2023/06 - Wilderness Education Association Japan (WEAJ) Outstanding Wilderness Educator Award
2020/07 - Japan Outdoor Education Society Award for distinguished research article Exploratory study of the effects of the outdoor orientation program on the college adjustment focusing on Social Provision
2006/02 - Wilderness Education Association Student Award
2006 - Graduate & Professional Student Organization (GPSO), Indiana University. Research Award
2006/01 - Indiana University Grand-in-Aid of Resaerch Award
2005/06 - Japan Outdoor Education Society Research Award
2001 - AT & T Leadership Award
Show all
Association Membership(s) (5):
Japanese Society of Mountain Medicine
, Association for Experiential Education (AEE)
, Wilderness Educatino Association (WEA)
, Wilderness Educatino Association Japan (WEAJ)