Yuta Komoike, Masato Matsuoka. Developmental adverse effects of trace amounts of lead: Evaluation using zebrafish model. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2022. 13. 1014912-1014912
Yuta Komoike†, Kaori Nomura-Komoike, Masato Matsuoka. Intake of acrylamide at the dietary relevant concentration causes splenic toxicity in adult zebrafish. Environmental Research. 2020. 189. 109977
Yuta Komoike, Masato Matsuoka. In vitro and in vivo studies of oxidative stress responses against acrylamide toxicity in zebrafish. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2019. 365. 430-439
2010/04 - 2016/05 Tokyo Women's Medical University Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
2007/04 - 2010/03 Tokyo Women's Medical University International Research and Educational Institute for Integrated Medical Sciences Assistant Professor
2004/09 - 2007/03 Waseda University Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences