KONDOU Satoru. The Future Image of the Shopping Center in the City Center. Research Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities. 2006. 27. 1. 79-102
The Present Conditions and Problems of the Measures concerning the Support for Self-sustaining of the Homeless(Nojyukusya). Reseach Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities Shigakukan University. 2004. 25. 1 85-104
The State of shouchu (a clean liquor) industry at Aira-Hayato area in Kagoshima Prefecture. Research Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities, Shigakukan University. 2001. 22. 2. 107-131
A Study of the Relationship of Communication and Space-An Essay on 'Cyberspace Self'-. Research Bulletin of Kagoshima Women's College. 1999. 20. 2. 147-159