J-GLOBAL ID:200901072634064965
Update date: Jul. 03, 2002 Shibata Motoyuki
シバタ モトユキ | Shibata Motoyuki
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (2):
, American Literature
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2): - 現代アメリカ小説
- Contemporary American Fiction
Books (7): - アメリカ文学のレッスン
講談社 2000
- Lessons in American Literature
Kodansha 2000
- 生半可版 英米小説演習
研究社出版 1998
- A User-friendly Introduction to English and American Fiction
Kenkyusha Shuppan 1998
- Being Paul Auster's Ghost(共著)
┣DBBeyond the Red Notebook(/)-┫DB (Univ. of Pennsylvania Press) 1995
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