Fumiyasu Takahashi. Emprical Study of "Relevance Lost" within Cost Accounting in Japan: Mainly in the context of Cost Accounting Standard. Accounting. 2014. 186. 3. 12-23
Takahashi Fumiyasu. Empirical Study of "Relevance Lost" within Manufacturing Costing in Japan. The Study of Business and Industry. 2014. 30. 125-180
Takahashi Fumiyasu. The Status Quo and Issues of Cost Accounting Systems in Japan. The Journal of Commerce. 2014. 55. 4. 115-146
Takahashi Fumiyasu. Status Quo and Issues of Cost Accounting for Pharmaceutial Prices in Japan. Journal of Business. 2013. 83. 3. 107-124
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
Toward the relevance regain of Cost Accoounting Standard
(41st Annual Meeting of Japan Cost Accounting Association 2015)
MARP2011-2012 Research Paper : Empirical Study of Cost Accounting for Manufacturing Companies in Japan
(39th Annual Meeting of Japan Cost Accounting Association 2013)
The problem of cost accounting standards
(日本会計研究学会 2011)