2017 - 2020 Construction of technology using pyrolysis materials for improvement of soil fertility
2015 - 2019 Effect of biochar on carbon sequestration and ecosystem responses in a broad-leaved deciduous forest
2013 - 2016 Study on a natural cleaning mechanism of pollutants in the water system of Lake Baikal.
2009 - 2011 Simple fractionation analysis for dissolved humic substances : utilization for DOM dynamic analysis in soil and water ecosystems.
2007 - 2008 Soil organic matter contributing to carbon sequestration in boreal ecosystems
2006 - 2008 Dynamics of soil organic matter under global warming and the forecast of the changes in forest ecosystem
2004 - 2006 Construction of structural models comprehending diverse and poly-dispersed properties of humic substances
2004 - 2005 溶存有機物の黒ぼく土への収着に関する研究-土地利用が及ぼす影響-
2000 - 2001 土壌溶液中の有機成分組成に関する研究
1999 - 土壌溶液中の有機無機成分の動態解析
1999 - Analysis on behaivior of organic and inorganic matters in soil solution
1998 - 地域環境資源の持続的管理に関する研究
1998 - Studies on sustainable management on local resources
1991 - 腐植物質の化学構造と機能に関する研究
1991 - Study on Chemical Structure and Function of Humic Substance
Studies on Material Dynamics in Soil Biosphere
Study on material cycle in and around soil environment
Show all
Papers (62):
Batdulam Battulga, Mariko Atarashi-Andoh, Jun Koarashi, Bolormaa Oyuntsetseg, Masayuki Kawahigashi. Plastic-associated metal(loid)s in the urban river environments of Mongolia. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023. 261. 115100
Batdulam Battulga, Masayuki Kawahigashi, Bolormaa Oyuntsetseg. Characterization of biofilms formed on polystyrene microplastics (PS-MPs) on the shore of the Tuul River, Mongolia. Environmental Research. 2022. 212. 113329-113329
Sasirin Srisomkiew, Masayuki Kawahigashi, Pitayakon Limtong, Owat Yuttum. Digital soil assessment of soil fertility for Thai jasmine rice in the Thung Kula Ronghai region, Thailand. Geoderma. 2022. 409
Kimihiro Kida, Yusuke Ibori, Masayuki Kawahigashi. Impact of farmland reclamation on soil distribution in Japan: the case of Andosols in Nagano Prefecture. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2021. 21. 5. 1938-1946
Sasirin Srisomkiew, Masayuki Kawahigashi, Pitayakon Limtong. Digital mapping of soil chemical properties with limited data in the Thung Kula Ronghai region, Thailand. Geoderma. 2021. 389
Kawahigashi Masayuki, Murata Tomoyoshi, Kida Kimihiro, Inui Toru, Nagaishi Norimichi, Morisada Kazuhito, Yoshinaga Akihiro. Borders between soils affected by anthropogenic pressures. Japanese Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2019. 90. 3. 217-222
MIYAJIMA Seiya, MURATA Tomoyoshi, KAWAHIGASHI Masayuki, WATANABE Makiko. Observation of soil respiration in the Institute for Nature Study. Report of Institute of Nature Study. 2016. 47. 61-70
General description of research project for Acid sulfate soils in Mekong Delta, Vietnam.
Development of bioremediation systems of acid sulfate soil for agriculture and forestry 2008
Acid sulfate soils in the central plain, Thailand and the Mekong Delta, Vietnam: overview and major outcomes
Development of bioremediation systems of acid sulfate soil for agriculture and forestry 2008
Influences of Permafrost regime on Soil Organic Matter Composition in Siberia
2005 - 2006
Education (4):
- 1996 Kobe University Graduate School of Science and Technology
- 1996 Kobe University Graduate School, Division of National Science and Technology (except Gakushuin University, Konan University) Resource and Bio Science
- 1991 Kobe University Faculty of Agriculture
- 1991 Kobe University Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Chemistry