J-GLOBAL ID:200901073158876871
Update date: Sep. 03, 2022
Ogawa Masayuki
オガワ マサユキ | Ogawa Masayuki
Research field (1):
Nutrition and health science
Research keywords (8):
公衆衛生 スポーツ科学
, 学校保健
, 健康科学
, 健康教育
, Public Health Sports Science
, School Health
, Health Science
, Health Education
MISC (20):
小川正行, 杠 卓樹, 小倉篤人, 住谷亮太, 吉田聡子, 小林 俊, 田島芳隆, 中雄勇人, 上條 隆. 大学新入生の体格・体型認識とスポーツ活動実践との 関連研究 ー2012年入学生による検討ー. 群馬大学教育学部紀要 芸術・技術・体育・生活科学編. 2013. 第48巻. 127-134
Study on influence that University student's Exercise custom exerts on Physique and Physical strength (Part 2) Examination by entrance student in 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. 2012. 第47巻. 75-85
Study on method of comparing physique and physical strength of Japanese and Inner Mongolian university student. Annual report of the Faculty of Education,Gunma University. Art,technology,health and physical education,and science of human living series. 2011. 第46巻. 89-95
Study on influence that university student's exercise custom exerts on physique, figure, and moving ability: examination by entrance student in 2009, 2008 and 2003. Annual report of the Faculty of Education,Gunma University. Art,technology,health and physical education,and science of human living series. 2010. 45. 65-71
Study on the influence the club activities of ball sports have on the physical development of the junior high school students in Gunma Prefecture. Annual report of the Faculty of Education,Gunma University. Art,technology,health and physical education,and science of human living series. 2009. 44. 111-122
Books (1):
衛生学・公衆衛生学 改訂第5版
Lectures and oral presentations (10):
(第71回日本公衆衛生学会 2012)
大学生の体力形成に及ぼす運動習慣の影響研究 第2報 - 横断データでの経年変化検討 -
(第70回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2011)
(第69回日本公衆衛生学会 2010)
中学生の体力形成に及ぼす運動部活動の影響研究 第4報 運動種目による効果比較
(第68回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2009)
(第67回日本公衆衛生学会総会 2008)
Education (2):
- 1974 Gunma University Faculty of Education
- 1974 Gunma University Faculty of Education Physical Education
Professional career (1):
Dr. Medical Science (Gunma University)
Work history (1):
Gunma University Professor
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