J-GLOBAL ID:200901073378512358
Update date: Sep. 02, 2022
Yoshiaki Tokunaga
Yoshiaki Tokunaga
Papers (79):
A Sense of Crisis And Strategic System in Strategic Management. Strategic Management Journal. 2013. 第2. 第2. 159-170
Tokunaga Yoshiaki. A Study on the Strategic Characteristic of Cloud Computing. Management Review. 2013. 第48巻. 第2号. 55~65-65
Tokunaga Yoshiaki. Individualized Strategic Management:In A View of Learning Organization. Management Review. 2012. 第48巻. 第1号. 3~14-14
Tokunaga Yoshiaki. Value Creation Process of Non-profit Organization: Toward the Introduction of Strategic Management into Universities. Asia University Management Review. 2012. 第47巻. 第2号. 3頁~15頁-15
An Integrative Approach for Sustainable Competitive Advantages in Global Competition. Journal of Straegic Management Studies. 2012. vol 3. No.1. 3-14
Books (17):
中央経済社 1995 ISBN:4502350729
白桃書房 1995 ISBN:4561252452
中央経済社 1991
(社)日本工業技術振興協会 1989
千倉書房 1989
Lectures and oral presentations (13):
panell session in English : Strategic Management and Human Resource Management
(The Sixth National Conference of the International Academy of Strategic Management 2013)
(第3回国際戦略経営研究学会全国大会 2010)
(国際戦略経営研究学会・部会 2010)
(日本経営学会全国大会 2004)
(日本経営学会関東部会 2003)
Works (12):
編共著者, 林昇一, 高橋宏幸 2003 -
1997 -
編共著者, 小山良, 石塚隆男 1995 -
1993 -
編共著者, 柴川林也 1992 -
Education (3):
- 1979 - 1980 American Graduate School of International Management American Graduate School of International Management International Management
- 1970 - 1973 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Commerce
- 1968 - 1970 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Commerce
Professional career (2):
- Master of International Management (American Graduate School of International Management)
- 国際経営学修士 (アメリカ国際経営大学院)
Work history (1):
- Asia University Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration
Awards (1):
- 1982/03 - (学内)五島育英基金56年度顕彰給費「組織の環境適応メカニズムの解明ー計画理論を中心としてー」
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