J-GLOBAL ID:200901073477828871
Update date: Nov. 27, 2005
Asaki Shuhei
アサキ シュウヘイ | Asaki Shuhei
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
Art history
, Aesthetics and art studies
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 1982 - 2011 7世紀における日本金銅仏の様式展開
- 1982 - 2011 The evolution of gilt bronze Buddhist statue's style at the 7th century in Japan
- 1980 - 2004 平安末期における仏像彫刻様式の展開
- 1980 - 2004 The evolution of Buddhistic sculpture's style at the end of the Heian period
MISC (32):
西村山地方の平安後期の仏教文化. 西村山地域史の研究. 2004. (22), 2-20
平安・鎌倉時代における慈恩寺の歴史とその教学について. 西村山地域史の研究. 2003. 21. 38-62
再び野中寺弥勒像台座銘文を論ず -東野治之氏の反論に応える-. 佛教藝術. 2002. (264), 13-32
Once again on the Inscription on the Pedestal of Maitreya in Yachu-Ji -in answer to the criticism of Mr. Tono Haruyuki. ARS BUDDHICA. 2002. (264), 13-32
野中寺弥勒菩薩半跏像の制作時期と台座銘文. 佛教藝術. 2001. 256. 37-66
Works (2):
1986 - 1987
The basic researches on the sculptures of the Tohoku district
1986 - 1987
Professional career (1):
- (BLANK) (Tokyo University of Education)
Work history (10):
- 1988 - 1994 Gunma Prefectural Women's University
- 1988 - 1994 Associate Professor of Gunma Prefectural
- 1994 - - 群馬県立女子大学 教授
- 1994 - - Professor of Gunma Prefectural Women's
- 1982 - 1988 Yamagata University
- 1982 - 1988 Associate Professor of Yamagata University
- 1977 - 1982 Yamagata University
- 1977 - 1982 Instructor of Yamagata University
- University
- Women's University
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Association Membership(s) (1):
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