J-GLOBAL ID:200901073534702367
Update date: Apr. 03, 2024
スガワラ ヤスヒコ | SUGAWARA Yasuhiko
Research field (1):
Foreign language education
Research keywords (3):
, 応用言語学
, 英語教授法
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 2005 - 現在 Foods in England
- 1992 - 現在 Teaching Listening Comprehension
- 1992 - 現在 Listening Process
- 2014 - 2017 相互学習に基づいたSNSに展開する英語コミュニケーションの構築と参加する学習者の評価
- 聞きとりのプロセス
- マルチメディアを使用した語学教育
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Papers (12):
Why are Japanese young people reluctant to study abroad?. 2019. 41. 63-82
IINO Kazuhiko, Suzuki Hiroko, Fujieda Miho, Sugawara Yasuhiko, Matsuura Hiroko, Miyamoto Setsuko, Ohara Osamu, Hozaki Norio. Construction of an English Discussion Board Using TED Talks Videos andIts Practices: Forcing on intercollegiate discussions. 2017. 35. 39-45
Technology and Teaching English as a Second Language. Kyoyo-Ronushu (Liberal Arts Review). 2017. 80. 1-16
An Analysis of Student Interaction and English Language Use Through Online Discussion. 2016. 1. 27-41
What do You do to build up your vocabulary?. Studies on Foreign Languages and Cultures. 2013. 23号. 49-68
MISC (2):
Self-Evaluation of Students on Strategies in Listening Comprehension. 2023. 86. 43-69
Self-Evaluation of Students on Difficulties in Listening Comprehension. Kyoyo-Ronshu: Liberal Arts Review. 2022. 46. 1. 65-92
Books (2):
リーベル出版 1997
スクリーンプレイ出版 1995
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
How have we eaten to satisfy our taste?
On-line discussion in English using TED
Analyzing the discourse being emerged in the online discussion forum
(The 55th Annual conference of The Japan Association for Language Education and Technology 2015)
Works (2):
Teaching Listening Comprehension for Japanese University students
2001 -
リスニング カプセル(共著)
1995 -
Education (3):
- 1995 - 2000 University of East Anglia Applied Linguistics Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- 1982 - 1983 University of East Anglia School of Modern Language and European Studies Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- - 1976 Hosei University Faculty of Literature
Professional career (2):
- Master of Arts (University of East Anglia)
- Mater of Philosophy (University of East Anglia)
Work history (10):
- 2016/04 - 現在 kokushikan University Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Department of Political Science and Public Administration Professor
- - 現在 国士舘大学大学院 政治学研究科 政治学専攻(修士課程) 教授
- - 現在 kokushikan University Professor
- - 現在 国士舘大学大学院 政治学研究科 政治学専攻(博士課程) 教授
- - 現在 国士舘大学大学院 政治学研究科 政治学専攻(修士課程) 教授
- 2003/04/01 - 2016/03/31 Kokushikan University Faculty of Political Science and Economics
- 2003/04 - 2016/03 kokushikan University Professor
- 1999/04/01 - 2003/03/31 Kokushikan University Faculty of Political Science and Economics
- 1999/04 - 2003/03 kokushikan University Professor
- 1988/04 - 1996/03 Kokushikan University Department of General Arts Associate Professor
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Association Membership(s) (2):
, 日本大学英語教師学会(JACET)
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